Spawn killer/s

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Registered User
Sep 27, 2008
I am a regular on your servers and thought it should be brought to your attention that there was some mega tk'ing. I tried to get a screen shot of it, but it doesnt work for some reason. "I blame Vista!". Anyway, here are the two names. The second name had about -50 points last I seen.

was the second name CTFalcon? 021

that was a fun night

-50 ??
Come on dude, that is sooooooo shitty! AND stupid!
Your type of game play is the reason I would leave a server
That screen shot roth posted was a looong time ago :D.
-50 ??
Come on dude, that is sooooooo shitty! AND stupid!
Your type of game play is the reason I would leave a server


and disrespect like that is the reason we could ban you from the server....lighten up its only a game
that screen shot was back when we had our temp server i think. or maybe when we just had our one server that was randomly populated.

i think epitek was on that round too. when falcon and epitek got going on a roll it was lol-ville. those were the beginning of our ventrillo adventures with boon. some people were getting banned from "other" clans TS servers for stupid reaons and we embraced the having fun stuff on our vent. what you see in that screen shot is a result of laughter with tears.

so suicidal, settle down
hahah CTFalcon on -50 :D . my record is -39 :D
You guys sound like you are proud of TK's...

Are you?
And I know this is just a game, BUT intenional TK is not what I would call part of the game... 028
Like roth said, we like to have fun. That's what TBG is all about. We aren't proud of TKing by any means, but sometimes (rarely) we get carried away and shit happens. :D.
i honestly dont know wtf youre talking about. i made my post as a lol reference to one night. falcon wasnt technically a member at that point.

i think you have trouble reading humor. OMG we're all bad people for TK'ing ON NOES.

its a joke, try saying haha or something.

im done with this thread and youre responses, locked.
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