Silly crap you do while gaming


Registered User
Jul 10, 2010
Ever been told you do funny things when you are gaming?
My wife always asks me "wtf are you doing?" and all i can say is i "what?".

Apparently I am juking back and forth dodging bullets because every now and then one escapes the monitor.
I actually lean to the left or right to look around a corner.
When i pull back on the joy stick i actaully lean back in my chair.
When I hit the throtle my foot actually goes to the floor.
In the heat of battle apparently my face morphs into an un-recognizable blob(so i am told).
I dont even want to mention the slew of obsenties that fly when anyone in a flying vehicle kills me.

what about you?
Ive been meaning to record myself because you might see a blank expressionless face.
I'm about the same Deathtouch. I was eventually told a long time ago to "use push to talk or else". LOL
I'm just shaking in the rhytm of the music. also shooting in the rhytm, no matter what music, therefore if someone murders my itunes, continuous fire will fk u up.
Pretty much everything you said GDC. I catch myself getting low to look up at my monitor when I'm trying to see something that is off the screen.
for some reason reading these promted me to watch the Boom headshot guy on
for some reason reading these promted me to watch the Boom headshot guy on

fps doug is jokes.. lol i just sit there normally, and swear alot or yell alot.. especially if im playing nhl 13.. that games makes me so pissed off, but i love it.