Requesting to join -|TBG|-


Registered User
Mar 8, 2014
We reserve the right to do background check on every applicants' history (mostly if they have any prior cheating violations)

We also have the right to remove any members if they create problems (drama) within the group.

Your age? 21+ Only:* 27

The ALIAS you use regularly and PLEASE include your FIRST NAME:* SimpleJack - Brian

What game or games would you like to represent TBG?:* Battlefield 4, Planetside 2

Where are you located?:* Chicago

What is your Occupation/School?:* Freight Broker

Are you consistently able to support TBG financially?* Yes

What made you apply to us?* Loved the server, wanted to be a part of something fun and tactical

Do you have or know what Teamspeak 3 voice chat is?** Yes

Will you be active and dedicated to TBG?:* Yes

Will you help populate/seed your favorite TBG server(s)?* Yes

Can you fluently understand the English language?* Si, Senior! jk jk, I only get english....

Any additional comments you would like to add? Past service in the military if that helps? Down for joining any party that's goin on of course, sometimes i joke around... but not in a TK way....often... ;)

Please keep in mind that you cannot wear the tags until you have been voted in as a member of TBG. If you are fairly active it will be 1 month period. Finally have a great sense of humor, it will be needed.
Recruitment is currently closed for BF3/BF4. You are welcome to apply again April 1st, when it opens up. Do you still want the TS info?
i just got freaking banned because i said "just slowly wornig my way back to 1:1" for using "racial slurs"

i can post screenshots of actual infractions if that would make things better for you guys. I didn't violate anything, just a silly glitch. Can i get please reinstated??20140308_160220.jpg