
Can do, sorry to hear about the diagnosis!
Good morning, everyone. I appreciate all your responses. Fine lot we have here. It is chilly here this morning. 2-degree Fahrenheit
Turns out my sister's cancer may not be as bad as previously diagnosed. Her surgeon stated that it seemed contained but radiating and not broken into the milk gland. She will have surgery in March to take it out and remove maybe three (3) lymph nodes as a precaution and believes radiation will be the best choice over chemo after that. All your concerns are working as you can see.
Thank you for your kindness
Turns out my sister's cancer may not be as bad as previously diagnosed. Her surgeon stated that it seemed contained but radiating and not broken into the milk gland. She will have surgery in March to take it out and remove maybe three (3) lymph nodes as a precaution and believes radiation will be the best choice over chemo after that. All your concerns are working as you can see.
Thank you for your kindness
great to hear brother
Turns out my sister's cancer may not be as bad as previously diagnosed. Her surgeon stated that it seemed contained but radiating and not broken into the milk gland. She will have surgery in March to take it out and remove maybe three (3) lymph nodes as a precaution and believes radiation will be the best choice over chemo after that. All your concerns are working as you can see.
Thank you for your kindness

Best of luck and prayers for fast treatment and recovery. My grandmother beat breast cancer twice and came out the other side stronger than ever. Your sister will do the same, keep your heads up.
Thanks to you all for your comment's. Yes, it is a relief but let's see what the surgery reveals. Her surgeon seems to be pretty optimistic.
Surgery 11 April. It seems such a slow process but so many need surgeries and only so many operating rooms.
Tell her best wishes for a rapid recovery.


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Just got home. Went to my Mothers' Wednesday (OKC). Drove to my sisters in Tulsa Thursday. We went to the hospital Friday morning for her surgery. The Doctor said prognosis was good and had another surgery so that's all we got from her. She has follow-up next week with surgeon and to connect her with an Oncologist for radiation treatment as a precautionary measure. That's it.
Again, thank you all for your support.