Post 9/11 GI Bill


Apr 17, 2013
Has anyone used their post 9/11 GI Bill? If you have would you recommend using that or using the original Montgomery GI Bill? I'm thinking of using post 9/11 because of what it covers just don't know if there is any downside to it.

I've used/am using it (9/11), unsure which is better. If you take a full load (reg semesters is 12 hours, summer was 9 at the school I'm attending) you get BAH as an E-5 with dependents based on the SCHOOL'S zip code. You also get a a $500 stipend at the beginning of each semester for books and crap, on top the whole tuition is paid thing. That link is pretty good, but like all .gov or .mil sites, you have to dig. I contacted my school's VA rep, they were very helpful (to the point of I didn't believe they worked for the VA) and can answer your questions, especially specific to that school.
Yeah I know what it covers just wasn't sure it was better to go that route or use your companies tuition assistance program and then use the old GI bill.
you can contact your VA to compare the benefits, however since im the resident PL, I'll go do some homework and let you know brother.
montgomery GI 24months, post 9/11 48months.
Montgomery GI pays you, you pay the school with that money. (in my opinion, better for trade/tech schools)
post 9/11 goes through middle man(so to speak, the school gets money from the source) +your stipends that zapp was talking about earlier.

I have some resources I could scan on my machine and email you, or give you some POCs to get you the answers you seek. **contacting school VArep like zap said is going to be your best bet once you decide the plan you want to use.**edit
I was the recipient of the VEAP, which sucked. I put in one third and the gov two thirds. It was something like $225 per Month. That basically went to my car payment from 91-93. I am glad I had grants and scholarships to help out.
I think I will use post 9/11 GI Bill. Can't go wrong with having 100% of school paid for, plus getting E-5 BAH.
I am using post 9/11 and would recommend it also. I would say that utilizing Mont GI Bill is far and between not better than Post 9/11. As stated, with Post 9/11 covers all class expenses, E-5 BAH (paid after you complete time. it is not prepaid), $1000 for books per year ( 2 semesters in year equal $500 per semester. Usually after about two weeks after starting school), and you can also apply for FASA even if receiving post 9/11. I have been going for two semesters now with post 9/11.

Also after you use all of your Post 9/11 benefits, the VA is supposed to refund your initial investment of $1200 when you contributed to get the Mont GI Bill.

I receive $1200 in BAH per month and also $2600 in pell grant per semester. The pell grants you do not have to pay back.

If you have any questions just git me up with them.
Would also like to add that I had to present a letter from the VA stating that I was eligible to receive VA Educational Benefits or some shit. Your VA rep will be able to tell you what that is. Oh, and here's the VA Education # 888-442-4551. You actually get to talk to a human!
Am i understanding correctly that if you serve the U.S. you don't have to pay a student loan until you're 60?
Samoedaddy what do you mean it is paid after you complete time?

You don't get the E-5 BAH up front---in other words, say you start the spring semester Jan wouldn't get the loot until 1 Feb (or so). I think that's what you're asking, and what he meant. That's how it was for me anyway.
Exactly Zappypants. You have to like work a month before they pay you. Or if you start with two weeks left in month, they will pay you for the two weeks at start of month.
Ok gotcha. Worried me for a minute that at the end of the semester you got sent 1check. Now is the BAH tax freelike while in the military?
All of Post 9/11 is tax free. And btw, the POST 9/11 is only 36 months. The extra 12+ months (bringing it to 48months) must be applied for and you have to have good reasoning for it. IE: You weren't the best highschool student so you tested into remedial math and writing, or some of your courses don't transfer into your degree, or you re in a 5 year program. 36months = 4 years of school, assuming you go to school 9 months out of the year. 9, 18, 27, 36.
Just make sure what ever school you go to that you keep in touch with your veteran certifying official. They are the gatekeeper to your money and make sure all your paperwork is squared away.
Also with Post 911 bill you have 36 month. Each month is a month, whether you take 1 or 50 classes. The only way you get BAH is if you are a full-time student.