[poll] Playing in the sandbox


Registered User
Aug 21, 2008
Well guys I got my orders today along with every vaccination and briefing known to man, so I'll be leaving the ol USA soon. Wish yall the best, if yall need anything Soulzz will have my gov email once I get there. Here's to 3 days minimum of shitty rotator transit. Wish everyone the best and teabag the shit out of people for me.

I should be checking on time and again every week or so as time/technology/mortars permit.

See ya guys.
Have a good one Joe; take some pics!!! :D.
Best of luck to you DK keep safe, and shoot straight.
Or if you are a zoomie, keep the blue side up
Good Luck out there. Heres hoping that all goes well for you guys 026
LOL I was the only one who voted for Duck? Hahaha....

Anyway, yeah dude take lots of pictures... the last pack was amazing. Keep 'em coming.

And stay safe.

Good Luck with all.
Take care DK! Let us know your address so we can send care packages!
Leave it to Heatsurge to be practical...ducking...what good is that compared to lotion and the Hustler???

Be safe (as possible) and drop us a line or two if you get a chance.
later joe! Good luck, stay safe, think about me in the shower LMFAO!

And as everyone said, take pics if you can!

by the way i voted for "dont forget to shoot back" LOL
Joe, be careful man. We will be here waiting on ya! Be safe and kick some fucking ass.
wax a couple fucks for me and bring your ass home intact. Drop an addy so we can at least do something while your representing the Red, White, & Blue.
Yeah I'm here, it blows balls. its currently noon and I just got reassigned to a fucking cake job. Transshipping Strykers baby! No house searches no downtown patrols just a fucking easy ass cake job.
sounds relaxing. need any playboys or anything out there? :p
Ok Im back, kinda. I will be a forum troll with no in game capabilities. Also I have a mailing address if any of you bastards want it.