Our new servers


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Okay when we get our box by the end of FEB the servers that I have in mind are:

Suez/Tampa/Shuhia Server 48 slots

Call of Duty 4 24 or 32 slots. We will still keep our current cod4 server too.

And 2 Frontlines Servers 1 infantry only 32slots and one air and ground vehicles 64slots

I dont have anything else on my mind. We could rent out some space/servers to friends, there are quite a few ppl interested for a good deal . But if you have anything else on your mind or just an opinion share it!
Can we run multiple cod servers with the different game modes? Just a thought. Of course rentting those spaces out would help cover the cost better.
yeah are you talking about hardcore mod and the normal mod? There are some other cool mods out there like zombie mod
what are the chances of having a large (map size) conquest map? i dont mind playing conquest especially after so many suez rounds. i know its a stretch but i wanted to throw that out there.
sure, im kinda sick of camp G. too many servers run it with inf only rules. thanks for the consideration.