Now able to get banned for utilizing the map on lockers

It's way easier to fuck over players than it is to actually fix the map. They did the same thing with the 2nd floor balcony at C only it would just kick you and ban you if you kept going there. Not sure about the spot you are talking about but you don't have to glitch through walls or anything at C just jump over there.
You don't have to do anything except to work your way up the rocks at E for that. Once again, screw you EA.
Fix the fucking map cockbollocks. If you don't want players up there then make it inaccessible. An error message is NOT the answer.
I should elaborate:

Dear dice,

If people are getting into a part of the map you don't want them to access, it is YOUR responsibility to redesign the map and patch it. It is not OUR responsibility to remember an arbitrary list of locations to stay out of. When all five dlcs are out there will be thirty maps in total. How the hell are we supposed to remember which rocks and trees and roofs and giant marshmallow puddings are on the Not Allowed list on all of those?

An error message, whatever its content and context, only really has one message for the end user: "we didn't anticipate what just happened."

Something went wrong... You should not see this error...

No fucking shit Sherlock, I should not see an error message ever. Each time I do it means you overlooked something. You're making yourselves look even more stupid than you did before by resorting to this terrible, terrible system.
I can understand the ledge over E. It's near impossible to overcome unless your bright enough to use all the tools at your disposal for counter. The balcony in C??? That just don't make no sense considering how easy it is to pick peeps off up there.

Without doubt, the way it is being addressed (kicks, bans, duh error messages) is not worthy of the cost for admission.
I'm trying to understand, is this an automatic(server done) or done by a admin. i don't give a shit if you take 5 mins to see where you go as long as your not no-clipping. Whoopty fucking do if you took your time to get to some place where you just cant instantly jump into. Sounds to me like the Call of Duty syndrome. That game is getting awful.
holy fuck balls! that's fucking lame as shit.. way to fuck over the players and take the power out of the server side admin..

more sweedish big brother bullshit coming out of DICE.
and fuck you EA for implementing this bullshit on your servers.
@Thelus - It is done by Fairfight, not admins. I got warned several weeks ago when I went onto the ledge in C, not know it was now VERBOTEN!
Imagine we ran our website like that. No private forums, anybody can access everything. Some threads are restricted but they're not labelled as such. You have to guess. So you click on a HA-only forum thread, your browser shuts down and you're logged out. A notification window comes up: "You have been kicked from the website. Stated reason: Restricted area."

Rain would get strangled if he even thought of putting that shit on here. And he's a volunteer. These people are PAID and they can't figure this shit out.
Imagine we ran our website like that. No private forums, anybody can access everything. Some threads are restricted but they're not labelled as such. You have to guess. So you click on a HA-only forum thread, your browser shuts down and you're logged out. A notification window comes up: "You have been kicked from the website. Stated reason: Restricted area."

Rain would get strangled if he even thought of putting that shit on here. And he's a volunteer. These people are PAID and they can't figure this shit out.
It reminds me of the incompetence of many politicians.