New racing game announced for... Sega Dreamcast?!?!?!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008

Hypothetically, let's say you're bored with all the realistic gameplay and endless tuning options of current racing games. What you really want is a rallying game that looks like it was released alongside Pole Position, or Frogger, with cars that look something like colored insects, and -- best of all -- that you can only play from an overhead view. In that case, friends, Rush Rush Rally Racing for the 10-year-old Sega Dreamcast is for you.

The developers themselves tout the facts that RRRR has no sponsored cars nor realistic backgrounds. What is does have is features like single-player grand prix mode with four difficulty levels, three multiplayer modes to enjoy with up to four players, five race cars to choose from, 10 Grand Prix race tracks and 9 additional multiplayer race track. Oh, and an "awesome soundtrack by Black Device." So there. It's also just $22, available at Amazon and eBay next month.

The game trailer.
Assuming anyone still has a Dreamcast.. hehe.
I dunno with the economy the way it is I heard not long ago the Dreamcast is actually making a come back after all these years. More people are now all of a sudden buying it.

They should, it was a damn good system by a company that ran out of money before it ever took off. Its got the games to back it up to.
Uh ever heard of emulators? The old school systems are not out of date at all. They still make actual NES games, yes, homebrew games, but they still make them. A company still makes Atari Jaguar games too, they're great games.
Dreamcast is coming back to kill the PS3.


But yeah, that's an interesting one - a commercial game for a more-than-10-year-old system.