Need Help BFBC2 Squad death match Isles


Registered User
Jul 30, 2011
I'm struggling at this game and get killed alot. One of my biggest frustrations is when I am runing straight at an enemy and we are both shooting at each other and I lose these about 80% of the time. I zoom in on these and lose sight. My question is do the better players not zoom in on these close proxmity fights. These are just a step outside combat knife distance. Any other tips you got will be helpful too.
When you're close like that and/or close and moving don't bother aiming through the scope. It's non hardcore and you can see right away if you're getting hit indicators, and from short distances it's easier just to shoot.
Also, don't forget magnum ammo does more damage so equip your kit with that for a little bit of an edge.
close combat like sixer said dont try to use the sigths or scope ull get mowed down. try to strafe and move a lot and adding a little jump always confuses the lousy hit detection on this game.

mid-long range use ur sights or scope, try to always use the magnum ammo, and the ligthweight pack, but all of this depends on what class ur playing too and ur personal preferences.

but for now i would recommend that u used the red dot sigth and magnum ammo for anything thats not a sniper and once u hadle it well go with what i mentioned above, ligthweigth pack and magnum.
ads for long range, click mouse lightly, shoot in 1 or 2 bursts till they die.
medium you can ads or just cross hairs up to you
close range just use cross hairs and jump, straff left or right, or crouch... ALWAYS MOVE, if you watch me play 90% of the time im all over the place when your shooting at me. jump shotting will give you tons of advantage over your opponent and same as crouching while shooting. if you need more tips send me a pm and we can 1v1 in a empty server or somthing.
Death uses the Hammertime shuffle; quite a sight to see & it works for him; I use iron sights mostly on all my weapons & hardly aim in close battles; another thing to keep in mind in close battles is that most of the time the knife is more effective; unless it's an auto shotty.
Death uses the Hammertime shuffle; quite a sight to see & it works for him; I use iron sights mostly on all my weapons & hardly aim in close battles; another thing to keep in mind in close battles is that most of the time the knife is more effective; unless it's an auto shotty.

I always try to scope in; it's a lot more accurate. Limited ammo weapons value accuracy over damage; it's one thing to spray & pray with an XM8 P or any LMG, but it's a lot more difficult to be efficient with an 9A-91 or most sniper weapons. The problem with SMGs is that you can run out of ammo after shooting at 4 enemies.
The short bursts really helps in rang kills. I definately improved over these last few days. I need to dance more in close combat, when outta knife range. As far as knife, that is the only skill I was good at when i was lvl 1, If i can get my guns skills upto my knife skillz, I'd be happy
within 5 feet dont bother zooming... i anything over 5 feet away i always quick zoom.... its more accurate
In the isles map I always play assualt. I also use the m16. Is that a good choice? Sticking with lite weight and heavy ammo
Thanks to your tips the other day I had two 5 kill streaks in one game. I'm now comming out of SDM with a K/D ratio around .5, compared to .15 prior to your tips, so thanks.
wow roto. you took the words right out of my mouth. I was going to post this as well till I get in some practicing. I get kills but not like how i get kills in BF2. thanks everyone for the tips and thanks for the input of this thread, roto.