My pussy hurts too much to play the game and earn items so I'll just buy them instead


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
I guess it's too much effort to actually earn a new weapon or vehicle upgrades anymore so EA is allowing people to buy these items with the next update because apparently the world is now the short attention span theater and everybody's pussy hurts if they don't have access to better weapons right off the bat. Besides, everybody who kills me in game is hacking so this is one way to level the playing field before I buy my hax.

Shortcuts offered for Battlefield 3

Here's a novel fucking idea: shut up and play the game.
You can't buy skill.... Well technically you can but you'll banned forever when you get caught. So buck-up buttercup and stop being buttsoar because you suck for now/forever.
My favorite part of the game at the beginning is earning unlocks. I think this is just a way for them to make a few extra bucks.
Well, it just bring another way to make fun of somebody ingame like:
I guess you just bought your kit, read the instruction !
Did you bought your jet upgrade in discount?
They were no skill option when you bought it?
How much did you pay?
Is nothing sacred?

Does EA really have to go there? What are they thinking? I like earning my unlocks etc. I wonder if this was planned from the beginning as we all know your first weapons shoot like shit without upgrades.

I wont be buying that's for sure but will take great pleasure sinking my basic k-Bar in those wannabees that think their money can by skill. The only edge they will get in the game is from my blade.
I think when you buy your way in like that you should be issued a special set of dog tags so everyone knows and there should be a special wall for them to hang when a real skilled player takes them from you!
They are thinking about profits and pandering to pussies with helicopter parents who made sure they got worthless "participation trophies" from T-Ball and every other activity they did. This is for the ball-less wonders who don't try to earn their stripes. This community exists because the folks who are members work to get better, learn tactics, play as part of a team (whether you are with clan mates or not in a round). Earning unlocks is what makes these games, shows initiative and determination, gives you a sense of accomplishment. Shit, I am working on my last few points to unlock the P90 in BF2. Did I wuss the fuck out? NO! I agree with Hydro -Those that buy the unlocks should have a special dogtag so we can revel in their douchiness. Maybe it should be shit brown, like the turd stains they are.
EAsy sixer easy......its gana be ok......
im gana make a come back soon
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EA/DICE are into the $$$$$$$$

There are dumbasses who will pay for this. And they know it.

Hey in a couple years they will allow idiots to exchange pictures of their penises with dog tags around it through some sort of battlelog for 5.99. You never know..