

TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
so around 3 am my time in our server, I play with this guy name venge@nce. Well according to venge@nce i have double shield and reload hack. And Im a hacking pos. He said i always thought you were good but now i know you hack LOL. Now thats very creative. Isnt it? I just pwned him non stop and the last time i did some crazy crap that lost the missiles. He thinks my shield reloaded and stopped it. So stupid....and shit i got to deal with. Why you guys dont get these kinds of accusations? I must be cursed. lol
nice hack FAST . I did not know that there are hack on gusnhip . This guy probably did not know who you are . and how much you have killls in gunship .
maybe i need to turn my hack from 30% up to 80%. then i could hack like fast 056
That's an interesting hack you got there Betel :)
why does it seem like nobody can admit that people might just be better than them in this game?
Yeah I get alot of "hacker" acusations when I go to other servers, espcially when we run into anyone that we have banned from our server, Like the real deal n00b and countless others.

I have played with that vengance guy before, and hes not really that good and he flies off the handle when someone kills him over and over and over. he was yelling at me the other day because I kept tv'ing him from 200ft and then wanted to knife me. such a greifer lol, did you ban him??
ahr that real deal prik is a apparently i had that hack where i bend his missles ? i was like wtf its just a standard aimbot...moral of the story is hes shit