LevelCap and cleaning up BF4

So levelcamp doesn't like people playing styles? they payed for the game...everyone can get over the "poster child", or play somewhere else....or stfu ,change tactics and make yourself a not so easy target and kill the guy.
In light of your previous comments in this thread, your use of "levelcamp" suggests that have taken an unfavorable view of campers. Is that accurate? I ask because the play style that you are defending here is the quintessential play style of the camper. If your answer is "yes", would you then not support DICE taking steps that would making camping less viable and/or appealing?
In light of your previous comments in this thread, your use of "levelcamp" suggests that have taken an unfavorable view of campers. Is that accurate? I ask because the play style that you are defending here is the quintessential play style of the camper. If your answer is "yes", would you then not support DICE taking steps that would making camping less viable and/or appealing?
I think what he means it that levelcap has played in our domination and all maps servers previously and when we saw him in game he'd pick a strategic spot and sit there most of the game...hence the name change levelcamp....because he camped out quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, he was effective when he did it, but he didn't move around a whole lot and would hang around 1 of the objectives and not try to take anything other than that 1 flag.
I think what he means it that levelcap has played in our domination and all maps servers previously and when we saw him in game he'd pick a strategic spot and sit there most of the game...hence the name change levelcamp....because he camped out quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, he was effective when he did it, but he didn't move around a whole lot and would hang around 1 of the objectives and not try to take anything other than that 1 flag.

And there's nothing wrong with that I guess, and it could all be boiled down to "Hey everyone, Levelcap here. Today's strategy is to cap this flag and camp it." Again, nothing wrong with that, but not a whole bunch of youtube-worthy tactics involved.
In light of your previous comments in this thread, your use of "levelcamp" suggests that have taken an unfavorable view of campers. Is that accurate? I ask because the play style that you are defending here is the quintessential play style of the camper. If your answer is "yes", would you then not support DICE taking steps that would making camping less viable and/or appealing?
i PERsonally dont mind campers.....they arent capping flags.....and they make for easy targets! Just a nuisance.
They payed for their game, THEY can play how they want. Gaming is full of shit talking, just making fun. The only thing I am unfavorable about BF4 is the higher pings seem to be better which is opposite of all MMOFPS games I have played, and that choppers arent as effective as in BF3/2. But I am not complaining, just voicing my opinions...If I dont like something, I stop doing it or change my tactics=D! If i did otherwise and took it, that would be insanity, literally, the websters definition.
Wow....this guy, levelcamp can go piss off and stop whining...it's annoying and should be removed from the game;)
Like cruise missile....you cant anticipate..or prepare for: EXCEPT that voice that says up enemy cruise missile inbound...and a big giant white thing with a 10foot lighter attatched to the ass end of it flying across the sky doesnt ring any bells?

Mortars....very very hard to fight against unless you have a mortar of your own..*cough* MAV*cough*

I always look around and you can see the contrail of the missile. I get the fuck out of dodge when I see it cmon in and even warn my teammates to get off the flag cap. Of course most don't and then piss and moan, when they get disintagrated by the cruise missile. lol. I think Commander gives it another piece of awesome interactivity, which gives the game more dynamics.

LOL I am a mortar/ UCAV whore and boy oh boy don't they get pissy pants about it. Love it!
i PERsonally dont mind campers.....they arent capping flags.....and they make for easy targets! Just a nuisance.
They payed for their game, THEY can play how they want. Gaming is full of shit talking, just making fun. The only thing I am unfavorable about BF4 is the higher pings seem to be better which is opposite of all MMOFPS games I have played, and that choppers arent as effective as in BF3/2. But I am not complaining, just voicing my opinions...If I dont like something, I stop doing it or change my tactics=D! If i did otherwise and took it, that would be insanity, literally, the websters definition.
Understood (and agreed as far as attack choppers go).

I don't care about people on the other team camping either, but I hate losing a winnable round because the people on my team were camping.
Understood (and agreed as far as attack choppers go).

I don't care about people on the other team camping either, but I hate losing a winnable round because the people on my team were camping.
Unless you care about W/L ratio, its all about ACE SQUAD baby! which is why I miss teamwork points! teamwork>combat....why DICE, did you stray from that
Just what we need, EA/Dice to cater to the whiney little pussy's that seem to populate BF4.
The only thing annoying is whineycap and other little bitch crybabies just like him.

If you are playing as infantry and are fighting in or around the objectives, the defensive perk is the superior option 99.9% of the time. Being able to survive one more bullet than your enemy is a HUGE advantage that is worth far more than a few extra rockets, mines or med bags.

The problem with jets in BF4 is that every tool that is provided to deal with jets just ends up being even more effective against helicopters. The game would simply be much easier to balance if jets were not a factor.

I mean, have you ever played in the same game as one of the top attack jet pilots? They are literally untouchable by anything other than other jets, and even then, the other jet pilots need to be exceptionally skilled to pose any meaningful threat. Compare this to top helicopter pilots, who will still die regularly to stinger and IGLA spam, and it becomes very apparent just how anomalous jets are in the scope of BF4's vehicle balance.

I think it's worth pointing out that you have more SUAV roadkills (2577!) than you have kills with any gun or any occupiable vehicle. You are effectively the poster child for LevelCap's argument about why the SUAV should be removed.

Sorry ryPta I know your a dude but this shit is too funny not to use. :p
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levelcap just lost the smidgen of credibility he had from me by making this whining "annoying" video. Sure he gave tips and hints, reviews, and guides; but now, this video??? Since he has a lot of fans who love this guy: they are on his band wagon..and whining over something that is NOT new to BF series, and NOT that big of a deal, Javelins? Really, because Dirtbikes and Jeeps dont have early detection systems on them?....sounds like he doesnt want to change his tactics and is "annoyed" he has to in order to play BF4....how many gameplay modes are there? Surely he can find a happy medium

Fuck I love good discussions!
levelcap just lost the smidgen of credibility he had from me by making this whining "annoying" video. Sure he gave tips and hints, reviews, and guides; but now, this video??? Since he has a lot of fans who love this guy: they are on his band wagon..and whining over something that is NOT new to BF series, and NOT that big of a deal, Javelins? Really, because Dirtbikes and Jeeps dont have early detection systems on them?....sounds like he doesnt want to change his tactics and is "annoyed" he has to in order to play BF4....how many gameplay modes are there? Surely he can find a happy medium

Fuck I love good discussions!

The video was an anomaly. He's not normally like that, not even a band wagon thing -just a fact- I've learned a lot of battlefield tactics and strategy from his channel over the years.
The video was an anomaly. He's not normally like that, not even a band wagon thing -just a fact- I've learned a lot of battlefield tactics and strategy from his channel over the years.
i see you learned about the gunship/uav thing from him then too ;)

His last suggestion was by far his best suggestion. There shouldn't be ranked servers anymore either honestly, since the TOS basically doesn't forbid anything beyond glitching and manipulating game mechanics what's the point? I think having ranked servers is the only reason his last suggestion hasn't been implemented yet.
levelcap just lost the smidgen of credibility he had from me by making this whining "annoying" video. Sure he gave tips and hints, reviews, and guides; but now, this video??? Since he has a lot of fans who love this guy: they are on his band wagon..and whining over something that is NOT new to BF series, and NOT that big of a deal, Javelins? Really, because Dirtbikes and Jeeps dont have early detection systems on them?....sounds like he doesnt want to change his tactics and is "annoyed" he has to in order to play BF4....how many gameplay modes are there? Surely he can find a happy medium

Fuck I love good discussions!

Battlefield hasn't been Battlefield for awhile, really.
I think it's worth pointing out that you have more SUAV roadkills (2577!) than you have kills with any gun or any occupiable vehicle. You are effectively the poster child for LevelCap's argument about why the SUAV should be removed.

Which makes you a whiney little cunt too. What no middle finger smiley?
levelcap just lost the smidgen of credibility he had from me by making this whining "annoying" video. Sure he gave tips and hints, reviews, and guides; but now, this video??? Since he has a lot of fans who love this guy: they are on his band wagon..and whining over something that is NOT new to BF series, and NOT that big of a deal, Javelins? Really, because Dirtbikes and Jeeps dont have early detection systems on them?....sounds like he doesnt want to change his tactics and is "annoyed" he has to in order to play BF4....how many gameplay modes are there? Surely he can find a happy medium

Fuck I love good discussions!

I love good discussions too. My favorite gameplay is Rush, Hardcore, no Minimap. Only myself and 1 other exmember of this clan liked it, and it was fucktastic. However, you die a lot, you don't get as many points, and the rounds are over pretty fucking quick. Add all those up, and it's a recipe for disaster if you run a clan/server. Fasty and Soulzz were nice enough to give us a dedicated server just for that years ago to make a go of it, and it was an unmitigated disaster. Understandably so, they took it down. There are only a few servers in the WORLD that run that specific type of gameplay anymore, and they're never populated. That being said, the game has moved on to something that I no longer look forward to. Sure, it's still kind of fun and I always say, "It's the best that's out there", but nowadays, that's not really saying a whole helluva lot. I mean that regarding the game as well as the people that play it, myself included.
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