Kicking and banning for fun !!!!!!!!!

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Registered User
May 27, 2009
Sixer and Company. Had some fun experience with some of u guys 2night, i was the only one defending console 4 and got kicked so they could get into the console since i allready killed them some times in a row alone and backup was on the way, they decided to kick instead on bogus grounds. and i even got pictures of it also so will post that as well, and if i cant post it here i will post it on other forums as well to show how u treat better players on ur server. will not play here again as long as ppl like that are admins, will stick to our servers in future, cause there we dont behave like 14 years old who dont like better players, we appreciate better players cause that makes us better. and they talked about ban and if im banned it dont matter to get unbanned, thats not why i wrote here. Looks like i cant post a link to the picture i got so if the other admins want it u only have to pm me and ill post it where u want it, and u can also look at it on our forum and other forums as well in a couple of days
That was the other guy yes: dirty-lex and sixer,pardon dont remember all names since it was my first time in server 2day and think also last after this night
Niggersund Norway as your location??? fuck yourself D BAG

As for kicking/banning, was total legitmate, complaints were sent to Lex about you glitching and he dealt with it professionally. Bans/kicks happen for a good reason or MAYBE mistakenly. But you come in here with your attitude, why would i want punk with an attitude like you in the server. All you need to do is come to forums and ask why was i kick/banned. THATS IT. What did you write me here...BLAH BLAH blah blah baaaaaaahhhh.
You attitude blows my nuts, so i could care less.
Dude, the players we got here can fuck you up like no tomorrow. You wanna scrim??? I would love that, its been a while since we beat the crap out of people. You don't know what you are talking about. You may think you are good or think they kicked you because "you think you are good" HA HA, sorry to disappoint we banned you because we listen to the players in the server. You dont like? Go play someone else. You like? I like! Its very nice!

For your information Cancerman, You were kicked, for a legitiamate reason, Both Sixer, I and balls confirmed that you were using the bulkhead in the titan bay as a texture glitch to cover your defense of the titan. THATS why you were kicked. and In retrospects to that round, your team's titan hull integrity was less than 5% which would have taken our missiles, (which we owned all of them) about 2-3 more hits roughly about 1-2 minutes to end the round.

there was no chance for you to even win. so dont play that bullshit with us here.

we run the HIGHEST quality sever on 2142 that we all pay for. The community inturn, loves us for this because we admin it professionally and fairly. We make it our jobs to keep punk asses like yourself away from good community servers who ruin this game for everyone.

I have heard "you kick players better than you" - BULLSHIT
I have heard your type of story countless times and if you search this ban section you will see for yourself. if you have screen shots PM to me and ill post them, and you have no place in this game to tell me how to admin the best severs on the net so go pound salt you pompous douche.

and btw I looked up your stats and your a mediocre player at best, nothing impressive there. another day at the office thanks for playing!
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