hey BOT


Registered User
Jan 27, 2008
i just noticed from your posts that you are using the URL button a little wrong. your links, when clicked, are taking us to "http://www.trueborngaming.com/e107_plugins/forum/hyperlink"

here is an example i borrowed, i added the "x" to the start and end of the code:

[xlink=hyperlink url]http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/battlefield2142/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-45659335&pid=932358[/linkx]


here is the Correct version with the "x"'s removed.


when you hit the link button during a post you get [xlink=hyperlink url][/linkx]. highlight the "hyperlink url" and paste the link there, then in the space between the ][ type something to describe the link.

im sure you know how to post links and code and all that but its easy to mess up. you can delete this thread if you want.
just copy and paste the link it will automatically pop up to a new window when clicking on it. No need for hyperlinks :)
I just did it like every other forums where it works, its e107 thats fucked up.