Hack or glitch?


Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
Playing 2142 all titans for two map only silos 3 and 4 would fire and do damage? Asked heat if he can reset the sever. He said whin entering C.C. it crashed All Titan.
I was about to reset it when I saw that it "stopped" by itself and then it was "starting..."

Probably just a glitch. I've seen it happen before.
It happens from time to time. Happened to someone I know who ended up getting 500 plus kills with a GS. There was only one silo working at the time and the match lasted for hours. EA even checked that out and at first reset all the player points as a possible hack, but then rescinded that and gave them back.
I'll definitely keep playing it for some time to come - even if BF3 comes out.

I really like the futuristic theme a lot and I doubt many (if any) games will deliver it as well as 2142 for some time.
I have had this glitch happen to me actually i scored like 300 kills in one round.
I will certainly keep playing 2142 especially since now i have no choice as BF BC 2 wont work, what a waste of money. I feel like Soulzz after a long night with Fasty. Rode hard and put away wet.
What's wrong with your BF:BC2 Rayzor?
he has not found the joys of the CG yet. he will love teh rpg sniping.