Get your alpha beta key this way

For those playing alpha - what video card do you reccomend -

im thinking of getting a 6770 - Oc'ed to 900mhz - ive been on the nvidia bandwagon for a long time - but im trying not to spend to much ala overkill -

I want bang for buck not the best of the best. budget is 300$ - will upgrade around 1 month so I have a bit of time to save -
For those playing alpha - what video card do you reccomend -

im thinking of getting a 6770 - Oc'ed to 900mhz - ive been on the nvidia bandwagon for a long time - but im trying not to spend to much ala overkill -

I want bang for buck not the best of the best. budget is 300$ - will upgrade around 1 month so I have a bit of time to save -

The 6770 is a rebadge 5770 and while still popular I am not sure how that stacks up. As for nvidia I am playing on a 9 series laptop gpu with 64 streaming processors @ 600/1500 and the low end 550 Ti has 192 streaming processors @ 900/1800. I would assume it should pwn my card which if it wasnt for my damn cpu could play @ 720P on low. Having access to DX11 also means more power for the effects so I would go with the assumption the 550 Ti could play @ 720P on medium and is $150 bucks.

I believe soulzz plays on a 6850 but actually if i remember he is running dual cards.

Your budget allows for alot better card than a 6770. On the nvidia side 150 bucks buys a 550 Ti or if u can find one the much better GTX 460 (non se) or GTX 465. 200 buys the 560 (non ti) which is a GTX 460 with less power consumption and high clocks. The 560 Ti runs 250 and has 48 more shaders. Last coming in around 330 bucks the GTX 570 has 96 more cores than the 560 Ti and i think is actually the best bang for buck the 580 is a bit of a rip though the high rop count is nice.

On the Ati/AMD side you can get a 6950 with 2GB vram for around 260 us and while it will always live in the shadow of the best single gpu card amd has the 6970 its an awesome card. Going cheaper the 6850 starts at $155 and goes up. The 6790 which isnt related to the 6770 goes fro 140 bucks.

Ditch the 6770 atleast for a 6790/6850 dont limit youself but do keep in mind your powersupply. I think the GTX 460 @ 150 bucks is best bang for the buck but it is older draws more current and produces more heat than the 560/560Ti. AMD might be the way to go for best bang/buck otherwise the 560 non ti at the right overclock is supposed to be comparable to the 560 Ti but each step up is 50 bucks kinda harsh.
Vet status = 8
Logged on - added all battlefield games to my origins list including bf3
no invite =*(
site says all alpha keys have been given out
P.o. Box for tissue.

U Rafff u Roose?

Fuck Ati & poor driver support;

I didn't used to think so, but I'm in total agreement. I got rid of my ATI because of that issue. You're lucky if you find a driver that is stable for your series gpu and when they do a refresh your card is no longer included in the new drivers so you're stuck with whatever you get. A good example, I had the ATI 5990 and while it's still gives the 6990 a run for it's money, they stopped including it in driver updates after about 10.6 now they're on 11.7..blow me.

That plus the in game artifacts that were never resolved. I'll stick with Nvidia. At least with them if there's a driver fuck up it's fixed pronto and conclusively.
Rumor has it intel is buying the six series nvidia and is said not to work with and because it's food there775 chip
U would think a guy that has played a few rounds in BF2142 & BC2 would get a Alpha key; Fuck all you