
Registered User
Sep 11, 2008
Hey all - yesterday I was playing on the Urban Warfare server, and E HEMINGWAY glitched in the back bunker of the new map that begins with SH (I'm embarrased I can't remember the name!!). He did it the first time - we were the attacking team that had taken all bases and he was the only one alive. He was in our uncap, glitching under the steps, with a support kit, and couldn't be killed. We had over 200 hundred tickets, he was the only one left, and it took 10 minutes of us trying to kill him, him NOT being killed, and the rest of us being killed by him before the tickets ticked off.
The server went through the rotation of all the other maps, came back to this one, and he got right back in the same place. PLEASE look into this, as he was back on the server today!! I only played with him on Gibralter today, but he had a high score, and was probably glitching and cheating again.
Thanks for your time. Damn, I WISH I could remember the name of that map!! Shilling? Shindig??
i jumped in this morning to see if he was still on but he wasnt. also wouldnt have mattered to much i have no admin on the sever right now....lol...
I think the name of the map is Operation Shingle lol. As for this E Hemmingway fella we'll certainly figure it out, thanks a ton for coming here to report it. We really appreciate it when people point these things out to us, it helps us a lot.
i jumped in this morning to see if he was still on but he wasnt. also wouldnt have mattered to much i have no admin on the sever right now....lol...


remind me in vent
Will do roth, I usually see some shit go down when in servers alone but i think i only have admin right now in the titan servers.
SHINGLE!! That's it!! I'm such a retard.
Thanks for the replies. I love your servers!!!
Any time man, the glitcher has been banned from all of our servers, thank you for pointing it out to us.
He was back today. 11:26 EST. Same map. Same glitch spot. Same person. *sigh*
Yeah, that has to be a hash gen, hate it when people do that lol.
i weird i thought theses kind of games where unhackable but there are no lifes out there that do nothing but look for software and ways to hack the servers and the game its self
Usually you can write the commands yourself.
Hacking is usually done by ones own program or software if you want to call it that. I like to call it malicious bullshit.
It's cheating, or "haxoring" more accurately lol. Hacking is an art form, but haxoring for the purpose of cheating is lame-ass shit.
yeah i saw him on. Unfortunately cant do anything on this computer.
this guy is persistent? I think we already IP banned him. I'll get them to IP ban again ASAP. Remember once you added him via IP to ban the hash too to physically remove him from server. Probably using hash generator as well as some sort of IP tweaker. Just keep banning all of them till he runs dry.
I will get the IP and hash for the appropriate members can handle it.

Thanks and please be patient
His IP is

Hash key

Admins will get on it hopefully soon