Did you guys know about this?

The head tracking looks like 100% standard stuff, not to mention it actually looked like that DIY one i saw.

The whole package is where its at, nice. Can't say i care to freaking run though.

Yeah its one of the bad company's can't say I could pin it down for sure.
I'm too fat and lazy to use one of those. I prefer the keyboard and mouse. Nice techs though. Thanks for posting.
Definitely cool stuff, but I'd rather sit in my chair and kill people as opposed to that stuff in the video :).
that is why i have not bought a wii. I like to be lazy when i am gaming. but it could be sweet as hell to have a immersion war game like that. I need a wicked nice way to get a adrenaline buzz.
I have to say that looks.......inventive. The M4 prototype is pretty cool, but I think thats about as far as people are gonna be willing to go for an FPS like battlefield. I would like to see what they have for 3D
It actually kinda sucks; the man isn't pointing where he wants to shoot; the reticule stays in the same place it seems. Or maybe I'm reading it wrong and he's using LCD glasses?
With the pack and arm stuff - should be nice to see him going prone.......
Not sure you would see that many people doing the dolphin move with that stuff :).

Understand it only work with BC2 which only support crouch, but BF3 will.....