

Registered User
Jul 30, 2011
Im new 2 weeks into this game and a typical score for me is 7 kills and 20+ deaths. I swear there are alot of cheaters out there. When I play on your server I tend to do much better. This morning I finally broke 500 with a score of 14 kills and 13 deaths. I then noticed your server logo said you have a special anti cheat in place and go to your web site to see it. So I went and found nothing. Any help on preventing playing against cheaters?
An head admin or a founder,will be able to help you with that,just take your time,on the mean time you can go play some other serrvers till they look in to it..

Lower right side.
yea what bobsama posted. we also employ a number of other anti cheat methods including streaming our servers to a couple anti cheat services that run checks on players and ban them for any know cheat. Its not a full proof method but between those, our regulars that report questionable people, and our admins we try our best to keep cheaters out.
~~yea what bobsama posted~~

He said something? All I see is a picture of 2 lesbians, which is pretty easy to spot. Can you spell it out for me?
~~yea what bobsama posted~~

He said something? All I see is a picture of 2 lesbians, which is pretty easy to spot. Can you spell it out for me?

The two girls are the important part. Fuck the cheat detector.

To find the box quick, search the page for "BC2 Cheat Detector".
Im new 2 weeks into this game and a typical score for me is 7 kills and 20+ deaths. I swear there are alot of cheaters out there. When I play on your server I tend to do much better. This morning I finally broke 500 with a score of 14 kills and 13 deaths. I then noticed your server logo said you have a special anti cheat in place and go to your web site to see it. So I went and found nothing. Any help on preventing playing against cheaters?

A lot of it has to do with what maps you are playing and/or whether or not you are in a vehicle. My personal best is 117-0 (this taken when I was only at 107-0):


And tons more:
.Churr.'s Battlefield 2 Screenshots = Xfire
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Aircraft can give you a huge advantage over opposition, so if you do say 20-10 in an air map I'd say you are in pretty good shape.