BFBC2 update today


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
There's supposed to be an update today for BFBC2 that results in better hit detection and maybe better performance as far as fps goes. I saw this on twitter earlier today. Anyway, if anybody plays let me know if either of these are noticed. From the little I read, the FPS should increase a lot for those with dual core processors.

"This update is about performance and stability again. We are not doing any changes to the game's datafiles.
  • Reduced input "lag"
    On machines where the CPU would out-run the GPU, sometimes the GPU would queue up several frames' worth of rendering commands.
    This could lead to the game having a high framerate, but input still feeling very sluggish.
Now there's a limiter on how many frames the CPU is allowed to be "ahead" of the GPU.
Control this setting via Settings.ini. Default setting: RenderAheadLimit=2

  • Performance optimizations with biggest improvements on dual-core machines
  • Fixed black "masks"
    • The soot on buildings with holes in them had a bugged renderpath. We switched that over to a more well-tested renderpath.
  • Improved hit-detection
    • We've gone through the hit detection logic, and client+server will now give more consistent results.
  • Fix for some "rubberbanding" issues
    • C4 should stay attached to vehicles and not rubberband around
  • Reduced spikes/dips in framerate
  • Various fixes for alt+tab related CTD on Dx9
  • More fixes for random CTD on Dx9
  • Fix for crash when you're in a vehicle that gets destroyed
There was a race condition in the code;
System 1 thought "oh hey, you're leaving vehicle X"
System 2 thought "the vehicle got destroyed, let's remove it"

If system 2 ran before system 1, chaos would ensue.
This was actually fixed in the retail version since a month, but it was only when we got detailed crash reports from the community that we understood *why* the Beta was crashing.
Likely bugs in this build
I wouldn't be surprised if it (still) has trouble remembering your settings between rounds. It would be nice to have that fixed too, but it's better to get a patch out now, and look at the settings issues afterward."
Oh, they also said to make sure to run updater as Administrator! If anybody updates, let me know about hit detection. I've read some forums where they said it takes about half the bullets as before to kill the enemy. That would be sweet.
steam has it auto updating now.

im excited abou the rubberbanding and the game crashing when you are in a vehicle that blows up.
thats it? 10 days before the release of the game and thats all their fixed?
you got to be shitting me

No, that's not all that was fixed. The beta was an old version when they released it, and from what I've read they've fixed a lot of things for the final release, this latest was just one of two updates released for the PC beta.

They only released this one because those were some major issues a lot of players had with the PC beta. And yes, the hit detection is better and even with a quad core I noticed a 20fps increase on average.

Note: If BFBC2 does not update automatically when you start it, exit the game, go to your BFBC2 Beta files under program files and run the auto-updater in that folder. If you are using Vista or Win7, make sure to run the auto-updater as admin.
I played a bit today. I don't know what it is - the new processor or the update or both, but it's actually now quite playable maxed out 4xaa 16xaf 1920x1080, although some settings might need to be reduced for better competitiveness (starting with HBAO probably).

The LULZ was that the problem with the "disconnect after 5 minutes" is still not fixed.

There's a lengthy thread here with the exact problem:

What it "feels like" to me is that while I'm playing, the client loses connection to the EA Master Server, and it drops the game. What I'm guessing the reason might be is that they don't send keep-alive packets to keep the master server connection open, so my router (as well as other people's routers) drops the connection which is deemed as "idle" because no data is sent in 5 minutes.

My router's firmware is configurable to keep the connections open for longer, but I'm actually not going to change it. This is the ONLY game which has ever had this problem for me - EVER, and keep-alives are a basic implementation to keep a connection open. It's like Networking Programming 101.

I don't know what the situation is officially, and I didn't read the whole 24-page thread, but I saw in the last page that I think someone from Dice replied that the frontend/master server code is a package that comes from EA to them, so EA has to fix it... not sure though. If that's the case, fuck EA in the ass. If that's not the case, fuck Dice in the ass.

Granted, it's still a beta, but if this is not fixed, I'm simply not ever going to get this game...

I have some very good news about the server disconnection. This trouble is fixed, so don't worry. I know it from the first hand. Retail version is going to be just fine.


To be a bit more precise: Wierzbin has tested a workaround which makes TCP connections not time out for him.
We need to make a cleaner implementation for it before it will scale to 10.000+ simultaneous users though - which is why it's still "in progress".
Sounds like you more or less hit the nail on the head Heat......1st time for everything :)
You guys should stay abreast of this stuff on Twatter. They've already worked on and fixed lag issues in BFBC2 from what I've read. At the very least they've addressed it, but we won't know until it comes out next week.
I'll believe it when I see it working on my connection - hopefully in the next update.
The beta ends in 3 days. If your hesitant to purchase now, just wait for the feedback come release.
I just saw on Twitter that they are going to increase AR SMG LMG Pistol and SemiAuto rifles/slugs by 25% vs the torso. Splash vehicles and snipe dmg stay the same for the retail version over what we've seen in the Beta.

Evidently, they've been testing it in house and are set to change it for the retail version on release.
I still think its a shoddy business practice to release a older, crappier version of the game you've been working on for your testers. We, the testers, are graciously volunteering our time to play a half-completed game, dealing with all of the bugs and crashes and other unfortunate events that get in our way. I have beta tested many a game in the past and this is one of the worst, to be honest. The game and its engine are pathetically optimized, the color scheme for friend/foe/squad is just plain hard to see (especially if you are colorblind), and don't even get me started on that bloody server browser. They have different categories (latency, map, server name, etc.) but you can't sort by them. What the hell are they thinking? With nearly a thousand or so servers (last time i checked), how do they expect us to find where other beta testers are playing? Obviously, this is meant to be a solo effort on the part of us testers.

Also, I don't notice a damn difference in my frames per second after the patch. If anything, it may be running worse than before. I don't understand how I can play other new games on medium/low and they are playable, yet this game (which isn't terribly intensive) runs like I'm gaming on Windows 3.1 even on its lowest settings in 1024x768. Personally, I don't think this game is going to do as well as CoD:MW2. I have played that game on my machine and it runs great. This offering from DICE is lacking the same polish, even taking into account the fact that Activision is full of greedy pricks that don't really care about the gaming community, just the money they can rake in from poor saps on the consoles.

Just my two cents. Or three for that matter. Never was one to skimp.
Wow, I didn't realize this is less than a week away from launch lulz.

I'm definitely not buying on release. I'll wait for a demo, if they release one, or perhaps when I can buy it for ridiculously cheap.

I agree with Boondokk - this game is not nearly as polished as it should be for release and the ugly menu, slow rendering, and disconnection issues which I've had with the beta (and still not fixed) have left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Hopefully this game will be a nice beta effort for BF3. I just hope Niklas doesn't get fired because of this game not doing as well as EA had hoped, because then who will finish the BF2142 patch lulz.

I can only hope that in 3-4 years from now, Dice will have a proper game with their new engine and decide to do a "BF3142" mod for it. That would rock.
This is going to be BF2 & 2142 all over again; mainly, because they are still working on those many years now? I know there is going to be bugs, the question is how many? Last night my game locked because of an explosion; some people are crashing at end of the round...that really sounds fimilar. It looks like BF people are going to take it in the ass again. I think this game has potential; but, I really don't see things changing by next tuesday.
Well, at least it's not any worse than what we've seen before. If anything it's a little better at this stage, but who knows since we're still playing with and old beta.
Heat, they just rolled out a new update today for the disconnect issue. Try it :).
My new mobo is sitting on my bed. I'll be lucky if I assemble it tonight so I can try to test it overnight in the next hour before I have to go to bed for work.

Same tomorrow.

I basically get about an hour or two at most free time to fuck around per day during the week.