BF4 Rush server

We probably didn't change anything, but sometimes these server patches like had today can change the default setting or set a new default. @x=FAST=x or someone else will look into it as available.
Thanks for the heads up! Is anything else out of sorts?
I saw the new default ticket # was 100, so I wonder if we had a % increase set on that - hence the higher number now.
Yeah, defending 250 tickets is a little too much. And having no vehicles on attacking just makes it so nobody can push up. Water maps like Gulf of Oman and Wave breaker are just a bust with the vehicle respawn delay :/
We didn't make any changes so it probably came with the latest updates. I've made some adjustment now for next round so let me know how it is
Yah please fix the 250 tickets and vehicle respawn times which are way tooo long back to normal please.
Yah please fix the 250 tickets and vehicle respawn times which are way tooo long back to normal please.

They were same settings since day 1. The values must have changed since the last updated. I've lowered them a bit to compensate..
I see you changed the vehicle respawn setting from 100 to 90. Since the patch the default respawn rate is at least two times longer. Thanks for adjusting setting but I still think it should be set to 50 to counter the patch change. Seriously, the respawn time is still like 2-3min. Thanks
Down to 50. Is this only affecting rush mode or conquest as well?
Ok, battlelog still shows 90, but I will time it. Before you changed it to 50, the respawn time was 1:55 for the attacking team. So, I will let you know....
Ok, at a vehicle respawn setting of 50, it still takes 1:22 to vehicle respawn. Based on historical twitch videos, in TBG Rush the average vehicle respawn was 0:30. Will you please set the vehicle respawn setting to 15. Thanks Love this server.
Vehicles still take forever to respawn. Can you please return the vehicle respawn settings to the original settings before the new patch? Thanks