BF2 tv missile vid


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Pretty sick if you ask me

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That guy is pretty damn good with those TV's. Makes me want to play some BF2 :D.
I hated the helicopter flight model in BF2 and the TV's... The planes were less annoying, but I never really got used to where the bombs hit...

2142 is much more refined imo... in all aspects.
Any of you besides Heatsurge tried the TV missiles in BF2? I would think that they would be easy after 2142. I know when I first switched over from BF2 to 2142 that I was surprised how much faster the TVM moved in 2142.


I beg to differ six, I think that the Bf2 TV is ALOT faster, plus you can zoom out w/ alt fire on the tv missile if you right click and left click at the same time it acts like it would in rl. at least in bf2 SF i can do that. When I switched over from bf2 I though the Tvm from the GS was ridiculously faster too, untill they release 1.25 which slowed it down to what it is now, If you reinstall your game and play single player you can see what I mean. :)

other than that sick video. very nice :D