Bf2/2142 Update


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
[Battlefield 2] Battlefield 2 Update 1.50 status

There has been a lot of discussions on the Battlefield forums regarding the Battlefield 2 Update 1.50, so this is to let you all know what?s happening.

Update 1.50 is still in development, we have held back on releasing the update as we have become aware of and are taking preventative measures against 3rd party tools which have been severely affecting everyone?s playing experience recently by crashing dedicated servers, clients as well as allowing account spoofing. We hope you understand our decision to delay the release to resolve these issues rather than releasing early with a need to update again.

We are looking to release this update by Winter of this year.[/blockquote]

These guys have to be fucking joking me.

This game will be 4 years old by winter right?

Complete bullshit...
Winter? Your fucking joking?!?!? They've had 3 fucking years to improve on it!!! Looks like I should just get ARMA 2.. Screw you EA!!!!!!
It just shows how they treat the end user; this game has had no support. It's sad that if you want to fix your game you have to find it from a 3rd party forum post.
This is old news BTW. IDK where fast found it, but here's the forum post saying that this (posted above) is news, dated 18 September 2008:

They meant winter 2009... they're just late beyond their damn asses...

I found no info on the patch here (lol?):

Check it out for the drama.

Also, check this out:

It seems like they're running a (closed?) beta of the map and tweaking it?!?...