Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Teaser


Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008

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I sure hope the actual game will be as dark, gory and intense as the trailer, and most of all a good port from the console shit, with non-crashing game AND servers (yeah yeah I know I should keep dreaming).

Not really holding my breath though...
Unless it gets really good non-biased reviews and it there is hardly any bugs, I most likely wont be getting it.
whats the point of releasing the 2142/bf2 patch in winter as well as releasing Bad company 2?

If i heard right, their marketing is definitely fucked.
Well supposedly these two games, BF1943 and BC2, as well as BF: Heroes are just to hold to hold us over until BF3 hits.
The trailer looks pretty cool, but they didnt show any gameplay footage, or ingame animation, which means that they most likely have no idea when they will be finished. I just hope its fun, thats all I care about, another game like 2142 that we can all play, have fun and yell at.
I'm with Lex. I can't wait for another game we can all get into. Modern day warfare is a good start for our clan...
The other game I've been hearing a lot of hype about is Operation Flashpoint 2.