Battlefield 2142 Patch 1.51


Registered User
Sep 10, 2009
Well !?!?!? I'm waitng.

Anyone know the status when this is going to it's final stage (live on all servers)?
According to the post I read on EA forums a couple of months ago it was supposed to be out in a few weeks.

They got the Beta out, I would say, maybe 1 month of waiting... If the earth dosent changes in its rotation..

I barely even play anymore... I need new content...
New games will be out before the new patch >_>.
They found some show stoppers in the Beta. For one, in the new Titan map the UAV can destroy the Titan and the 2nd major thing was the lag. So pretty much it'll never be launched.
Another EA failure. Guess I will have to make do with the old one.
Chalk another one for DICE, oh btw the new beta maps were okay, but there still are a ton of bugs in them, more than the release of 2142 imo
I predict it will be a day that ends in y

The second Tuesday of next week or any other date that will never happen
Such a disappointment to cause 2142 could have been the best FPS ever made IMO, i wish they could have put the final touches on it with 1.51 but I guess not.
Such a disappointment to cause 2142 could have been the best FPS ever made IMO, i wish they could have put the final touches on it with 1.51 but I guess not.

Despite the mediocre graphics BF2142 is by far the best FPS game I ever played. It puts BC2 to shame. How could anyone come up with such a poor sequel to BF2142 ( gag, puke, cough!!! )

Oh well maybe next time... 2143?

I like the idea....
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Don't jinx it Duke

BC2 is the BF3 beta

2142 will get its own sequel - its crying out for the FB engine*

*(God I fucking hope - when will it end)