Banned from BF2142 and BFBC2

I really don't miss the days off the solo TV shots to my dome; but, I do miss the days of the Pilum to your ass.
Hey Stranger!!!. You staying awhile? I miss trying to shoot you down in a gunship. \m/
I was planning on coming back but now I'm trapped under a pile of rubble from the CATAGORY 7 F5 11.9 MEGAQUAKE that just destroyed CT. Was looking forward to it too...

Gonna have to buy a new graphics card then see what's up, Balls' craptastic hardware I bought needs to go. Once that's taken care of I can figure out what game to play until BF3. There is a real honest to god BF3 though, right? I've been hearing about BF3 for the last 4 years, it's actually going to happen?
Yes, it is.

Jets, and all.

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