Ban Appeal


Registered User
Nov 4, 2010
Ban Appeal
What is your in game ALIAS(es)
Which game is it?
Call of Duty 5
Server name that you were banned on:
Approximate Date/Time that you were banned:
11-4 8pm
Admin that banned you (If you remember):
It didn't say, just "admin decision"
If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for:
No reason. Only thing I said was "you make my ass wanna chew crackers, hano"
Any additional comments you would like to add?
after all the language I've seen on the server, I doubt it was because of what I said. Due to my usual crappy scores, no one could possibly think I was hacking. All I know is the ban was for 99,999 minutes, which is a long damn time!
The admin that banned you will be responding shortly.

I was the only admin on at the ban from me..hes a straight up player....I just caught it on the screen for a sec...said he was banned for 9999999...if he said something I didnt see it and I dont think the word filter is running because I have had to manually ban a few for N and J words.........

Now if he did say something then I cant help, But I will back him as a good clean player and we never have an issue with him
Interesting. That sounds like a language ban or a manual ban. Frit0z will look into it.
What I posted in the "Possible reasons" field was the only thing I said throughout the that whole map. And that was word for word what I said.
Sorry Cap....Maybe it took something you typed as a bad word...we have had that happen.

Hope we get ya back in game soon
sorry for the delay. it was for a racial remark but it doesnt seem like you were using it in that sense. ban lifted.
people usually dont talk about crackers unless they are using it as a racist remark lol.
Sorry, that's one of my favorite sayings but I will keep that in mind. I don't like racial remarks, I'm more inclined to talk about someone's mother.

Thanks! know I just caught his comment I mean,and Cap think about what you typing from now
I'm not being argumentative or anything like that, so please don't take this wrong. What did it ban me for crackers but didn't catch the 3 people dropping the "N" bomb the last 2 days? I took a SS of one last night or night before last.
I think Frit0z was having ISP issues a few days ago. I could be wrong though.
i had problems with my network lately so our language filter hasnt been running consistently the past week. but if you would like to see heres the results for today alone. with racial slurs and guid filtered ofcourse.

[04.11.2010 18:17:21] [******************************] wags1 Kicked for saying 'n*****s' as part of their console message 'campers are n*****s'

[04.11.2010 18:20:51] [******************************] AMonkeyButt Kicked for saying 'n*****s' as part of their console message 'well if campers are n******s the nazi's have a lot of n******s'

[04.11.2010 20:26:06] [******************************] Devil-SGT Kicked for saying 'n****r' as part of their console message 'dfuckyoou n*****r i am coming for you bitch'

and also even though it may ban for 9999 or 99999 minutes it gets switched over to a perm ban when i verify the logs.
Frit0z, those bans are hilarious. I always get a kick out of what people say to each other :D.
Devil-SGT was actually the last one I saw say it. I didn't see him get booted, my apologies.

Anyway, thanks again for the ban removal!