Ban Appeal

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Registered User
May 29, 2012
Ban Appeal
What is your in game ALIAS(es)
Which game is it?
Server name that you were banned on:
TBG wake island 24/7
Approximate Date/Time that you were banned:
11:18p PST on july 10
Admin that banned you (If you remember):
If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for:
for saying a curse word that i regret and promise i will never say again! :( Said it in squad chat with 3 other members of my clan "tF". It wasn't viewed by anyone else in the server.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
This is the only server I play in all of bf3, i've been ranked in the top 5 multiple times over these past month and am in love with the server, the management, and wake island in general. I now know to never make this mistake again, im so sorry.
This is directed for members and/or guests. Do not respond to ban appeal threads. Any posts that comes from anyone else will have their posts deleted.
well if its a racial slur good luck with that, a head admin will review your case.
okay :/ thanks. I really hope something can be worked out.

well ill tell you right now if it was a racial slur (squad chat or team chat) it wont be lifted but you can still play on our other severs unless you have a second racial slur then you are banned from all our servers, if it was a typo you have nothing to worry about. but if it wasnt you wont be playing on that server ever again. i cant see chat logs so, a head admin will review your ban.
There's absolutely nothing that can be done? My only reason for playing bf3 is to play in your 24/7 wake server... I'd be wiling to donate any amount to have the ban lifted. Perhaps i could be let off with a strong warning and if anything happened again a permanent ban from all servers? Let me know of anything I can do.
sorry bud, if its a racial slur its permanent. thats the rules, and u saw them every day you logged into our server. it wont be removed sorry, nothing you can do now, if it was a racial slur its a perm ban. if it was a typo different story.. from what u said im thinking u thought u could avoid the slur filter in squad chat. once again it wont be removed, if it was a spelling mistake it will be.... but in your case it doesnt seem like it was. your more then welcome to join our other servers, but you will not be able to play in the server that you were banned from. Once again a head admin will review your case and will decide your out come, have a good night.
I'm willing to prove in any way that i deserve a second chance. If all else fails I'll just buy a new game and start over so I can play on your server. However, I'd much much rather donate the money i would be spending on a new game, to you guys. I respect the fact that rules are rules, no hard feelings, but I think it would be cool for you guys to look into an alternative for those dedicated to your servers.
[07.11.2012 01:17:28] 2307ecexxxxxxxxxxxxx151b "m3thodm4n021" "66.xxxxxxx9:3659" Banning for Racial Slur!! ni**er 7/10/2012 11:17:38 PM"

you visited this server 61 times exactly. You should have known this.

We can't lift bans for this. Sorry.

you are welcomed in our other servers. Unfortunately, offering donations, although appreciated, will not get you unbanned.

If you would like us to refund your donation please let us know.
I would like a refund, thanks. I just bought a new game and am now playing on your server again. This seems rather ridiculous.
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