Bale goes nuts!


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008

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What an asshole, I would have told him to chill the fuck out, and I would have told him that is &quot;this what kind of movie you want to make&quot;,I would have said that your not solving a problem by yelling like a wanker and ALOT of work goes into this movie to make shit happen, not just your acting, its a team job I and I will not have you talk to my crew like that so chill the fuck out and take a break if it bothers you that much.

that's the kind of shit that I dont take from people i don't care if hes the star lol Ill put him in his place, even if im the donut guy
Well, technically, on a set, if someone crosses the eyeline of an actor it's considered pretty amateurish(or so I've heard) . That doesn't excuse him for overreacting though.
seems like the damn video is gone.

edit: nevermind found it.

I think he has a point... with exhaustion, some sleep deprivation and a bad chain of events I totally understand where he's coming from. I mean, if the guy really was dicking around previously too, it would be fucking annoying as hell... and to walk in front of a camera during a scene, I mean... you would have to be completely retarded, or want to sabotage the actors.

This is pretty good though. Check it out LMAO:
Shit, Id be fucking pissed too if I am in the zone and shit and someone does cross my eyeline, someone apart from the cameraman, Id flip too, I understand his frustration.
I can understand getting pissed for a couple of seconds; but a 10min rant.......big pussy on the rag. If he had some balls he would have donkey punched that bitch.
Yeah man, Ive acted for many many indi's here at school, and I can tell you that I was never that fucking stuck up actor who need to take breaks,or got mad at people who made me loose my concentration. I never ever, let people wait on me hand and food like most of these celeb douche bags, if the set needed to be moved, I was one of the first ones to help out even if it wasn't my job.

Part of being a professional in the Media Business, is understanding what slip ups, loss of temper, and other things that compile what is labeled as &quot;un-professional&quot;.
the radio tought me that and it trust me the only way to figure them out is to fuck up.

I hope bale understands that he fucked up by screaming at that guy, I can understand where he is coming from, but he should NOT have flipped out like that, I would have pulled the hands guy aside and say please don't do that, it very distracting and it makes both our jobs difficult to do, espcially under the producer's stress, that's the right way to handle it, not blow up on the poor kid.

but yeah balls if I was the stage crew dude I would have broke a light over his silverspoon ass