Bad news


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Honorary Member
Aug 21, 2008
I was in the hospital for having a heart attack. Blood, they took a lot of blood, showed a bad marker. So They did ultra sound scans, CT scans of my heart. They were also worried of blood clots so the did ultra scans of both my legs and they found a blood clot in my right calf. So I have that too. They want to do another scan in two weeks to check on it and make sure it isn't moving up. I was a really rough last several days at the hospital. They think my one chemo drug is what caused everything. I have a doctor appointment next Tuesday and I'm taking all the stuff from the hospital and see if they can use a different drug.
You got it brother, praying for those in need is the least I can do, I also sent you a small donation, wish I could have sent more.
My dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma when I was pre-pubescent, lived with it for a couple years(not gunna go into details). But I wish you swift winds in your shitty endeavors and failed needle sticks. It sucks the monetaryy system(s) has monopolized on sicnesses.
Sorry about your dad Snakebabies. Yes they do take a ton of blood which is no fun. I now go to the hospital to do my chemo which takes about 5 hours, then I take a pump home and do chemo at home for 3 more days. I really feel like shit after for more than half a week. Also they think that the one chemo drug is what caused my heart attack and blood clot that is now in my right leg. I've already made funeral arrangements so that is taken care of so my family won't have to worry about that when the time comes.
Squirrel :( i had no idea. I hope you get better and they figure out whats causing all this soon hon <3
Also would like the thank all who continue to donate. It really helps with getting food.
Hope you will get well soon sir.
Unforgettably I'm not curable. My cancer is stage 4 and through out my body. They are just trying to keep the cancer from spreading more with the chemo and other drugs they give me. Because chemo destroys white cells I have to get a shot to help my white cells. I don't wish this on anyone
My mother is still dealing with the side affects of the chemo.... 6 years later. It destroyed her immune system. Sorry about what you're going through.
My mother is still dealing with the side affects of the chemo.... 6 years later. It destroyed her immune system. Sorry about what you're going through.
So sorry your mom had to go through what I'm going through now. Hope her cancer is gone.
Very sorry squirrel. I have a disease called C.I.D.P I have been fighting for years. I do chemo once a month at the VA. Its sucks . Keep fighting. Roy
Squirrel, I'm new around here and just caught this thread. I was first diagnosed with cancer in 1998 and have had it recur twice since. I've been through more chemo sessions than I care to count and know the battle you're going through, internally and externally. I know everyone else tells you the same thing, but just keep the fight up.

I don't know what part of the country you're in, but one thing I learned during my ordeal was using all the resources available to me. Give me a shout if there's anything I can do and I'll try to send something on the first.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, give it hell.
Squirrel, I'm new around here and just caught this thread. I was first diagnosed with cancer in 1998 and have had it recur twice since. I've been through more chemo sessions than I care to count and know the battle you're going through, internally and externally. I know everyone else tells you the same thing, but just keep the fight up.

I don't know what part of the country you're in, but one thing I learned during my ordeal was using all the resources available to me. Give me a shout if there's anything I can do and I'll try to send something on the first.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, give it hell.
I'm in York, PA. I either go to Apple Hill or the York Hospital for treatment.