America dark secret

I wouldn't put too much weight on it. I listen to that thing a couple years ago. Although BO is out to destroy (downsize) America and make it a socialistic country so he can play Fidel Castro for the next 40 years and get free vacations at the expense of the middle class or at least till he breaks the middle class. This is a good listen if you got ten minutes.

I heard about this speech. What a great man.
Please tell me this shit ant true.

Stansberry's Investment Advisory

I think I've seen these warnings in commericals & to protect yourself from this they want you to invest in gold. Everytime I hear this on the TV I get pissed off & tell my GF people are stupid if they think that purchasing gold will help in an economic crisis. If you understand how our monetary system works in the United States, buying gold only diminishes the value of the American dollar. Basically, you believe that gold has more value than the dollar; if people in a national or global level started doing this our almight dollar would falter. Our dollar is a faith back system; people all over the world "believe" that the dollar has value. If people don't "believe" our system fails. Interesting read I found: Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia President Roosevelt wanted people to started believing in the dollar again.
Yeah it's a scam, trying to sell shit. These ads have been popular since Obama got reelected because, you know, the world is ending in disaster very shortly only because he's back in office.

Don't get me wrong, I think Obama's an ass as far as his policies go, but these kind of ads are all about scaring people to purchase shit and hoard shit, which you have to purchase first. And yes, it does have the effect of weakening our currency like balls said.
Yeah it's a scam, trying to sell shit. These ads have been popular since Obama got reelected because, you know, the world is ending in disaster very shortly only because he's back in office.

Don't get me wrong, I think Obama's an ass as far as his policies go, but these kind of ads are all about scaring people to purchase shit and hoard shit, which you have to purchase first. And yes, it does have the effect of weakening our currency like balls said.
I see and to hoard shit in other peoples possession to give them straight. Power struggles. Do they have no end?
Yeah it's a scam, trying to sell shit. These ads have been popular since Obama got reelected because, you know, the world is ending in disaster very shortly only because he's back in office.

Don't get me wrong, I think Obama's an ass as far as his policies go, but these kind of ads are all about scaring people to purchase shit and hoard shit, which you have to purchase first. And yes, it does have the effect of weakening our currency like balls said.

I listen to Sirius Radio (Channel 88, NFL) all the time in my truck, and I swear every other commercial is about somebody waving the financial doomsday flag, and if you call this number NOW, they will share with you THIS SECRET INFORMATION TO SECURE YOUR FUTURE, BUT TIME IS RUNNING OUT!
I listen to Sirius Radio (Channel 88, NFL) all the time in my truck, and I swear every other commercial is about somebody waving the financial doomsday flag, and if you call this number NOW, they will share with you THIS SECRET INFORMATION TO SECURE YOUR FUTURE, BUT TIME IS RUNNING OUT!

Same here, and it's always somebody supposedly credible who predicted major financial crisis events years in advance..blah blah blah.
As soon as I heard "...but first let me..." I turned it off and told myself I should have known better. Also, what balls said.
I think the "presentation" was pretty factual. The scenario is plausible, but will it happen? This Whole thing hinges on China and how bad they want to be the global top dog.
I don't think this is a commercial set out to destroy America. It's a warning of the writing on the wall, when you print money for wars and bailouts. This is what happens when politicians work for corporations and not the people. The dude is clearly trying to profit from doom and gloom. But that does not mean what he was pointing out was not factual. How many times can Washington raise the debt ceiling?
I think the "presentation" was pretty factual. The scenario is plausible, but will it happen? This Whole thing hinges on China and how bad they want to be the global top dog.
I don't think this is a commercial set out to destroy America. It's a warning of the writing on the wall, when you print money for wars and bailouts. This is what happens when politicians work for corporations and not the people. The dude is clearly trying to profit from doom and gloom. But that does not mean what he was pointing out was not factual. How many times can Washington raise the debt ceiling?

That is a valid point; when you keep printing money, super-inflation sets in; soon we will be taking a wheelbarrow full of dollar bills to buy a loaf of bread.
That is a valid point; when you keep printing money, super-inflation sets in; soon we will be taking a wheelbarrow full of dollar bills to buy a loaf of bread.

Or do like they did in Brazil when I lived there. Once the value of a Cruzeiro became so deflated do to 'super-inflation' they would just print a new bill. The new ONE cruzeiro would be the equivalent of the old ONE THOUSAND cruzeiro. People loved to be paid in American dollars in Brazil because the return on the money in a year was huge. My dad, which got his PhD in Plant genetics, was paid a nice salary in U.S. dollars so basically he got a substantial raise every month.