a moving titan


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
I know its probably not liked here but there is one up now.
Or if you want I can change it to whatever you want but as of now its a moving titan, don't know what else to use.

Actually, im going to make it wake island. Fuck it. ; )
most either like tampa but hate wake or the other way around

Do you like moving titan sixer?
I kinda like wake and i know i am one of the few ones!
No, but that's just because it encourages some to sit in the titan guns the whole round, even when their titan core is being blown up. Or better yet, when noob commanders park the titan right over a silo. I much prefer making people (either side) work for the win and a decent score. How do you ever get to be a better player sitting on titan guns all day?
lol silly you! You make me giggle!

I leave it the way it is for now and see how it goes. I know CJ jeans will give me head now, i know he is a wake lover too
A rule that you don't pass the first silo. Was rule on Suez on another server. No matter what speed you have. It gets laggy when the two titans are too close.
Yeah, I know it's stupid to expect people to want to get better at a game they spend countless hours playing. What the hell am I thinking???[ 056
what about a wake/ tampa with moveing titan? see prob solved dmmn i'm good
cant move titan on wake. Tampa is 64 players it would be laggy as hell
i didnt say id be a good idea.. but yea ur right it was a bad one, fir everyone else.. i get a 40 ping lol
I don't like the people who repair titan guns; their skill level is high as the person nade spamming behind a sentury gun.
Hey - I like spamming nades behind a sentry gun, and I always repair broken titan guns to "working" status, or fully if someone is sitting in them (for repair points)!
