4vs4 Gunship Match - Who's Down?


Retired Founder
Jan 2, 2008
We haven't done this in a while so I figured it would be best to start a thread about this. I was thinking we could do a 4vs4 gunship match on a day when most people will be here.

What map do you guys want and what days/times work best for you?

I personally would prefer Shuhia 64 conquest or Highway Tampa conquest.

Let me know what you guys think!
I am definitely game for this, I did one of these way back in my CAL days they are fucking awesome. I good for this weekend. coming up, if my computer comes back, healed of BSOD lol.

I think High way tampa conquest would be strait, its really big though.
Tampa may be big but makes for great strategies. Shuhia is what we did our last one on. Very big as well as nice hiding spots.
yeah shuhia has 2 gunships on both sides at the start of the round
I'm thinking if we get enough people we might be able to do this around 10:00 / 10:15 EST if that works for you guys. Let me know who can :)