15 inches of snow in the past two days

Deputy Swan

Registered User
Jan 1, 2016
We got 18 inchs last week, now a new 15 and 3 days of 40-55 MPH winds.. needless to say there are snow drifts over 10 feet deep in places. spent the last 3 days helping my local city out moving snow. 8-10 inchs predicted for this weekend. we got more snow this year all ready then all of last years snow season combinned

damns storm also blew down our local indoor tack/soccer field/rec center I went to alot.. the nearest ones like 3 hours away ):

Something is wrong this year, we had only 3 inch of snow in Montreal this year so far and most of it melted. Normally we have what you had and it's no big deal for us cause we are well equipped to shovel it. Be safe Swan.

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No snow in Houston. Surprise surprise! Lol

Stay safe out there!

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Swan, where are you located?

Nothing yet in Western Pennsylvania. I think that is going to change this week, but nothing significant.
No snow in England Damn
I Love Snow
Take care Swan
Damn!!!! Is that in Antarctica? JK. No snow in Texas. Last time it snowed in Central Texas was in the 80s. Anyways be safe and wear protection when out there and remember to bring in the plants. :)
Montreal the other day!

Lol I did not see that since I was in Halifax. We had a mix of ice rain and snow and there is still some people without winter tires. We have a law here for winter tires, you need to have them between December 15 and March 15 otherwise you can get a fine of 250$.
Be careful in that crap. I moved south after a snow we got back in 1992. I was in South Bend In. close to lake Michigan. One night "overnight" we got 3 ft snow with up to 20 ft snow drifts on mostly the North South roads the E/W roads only had 10ft drifts on them. I plowed for days on end that year.
Just a fyi.
1.Tennessee gets a little bit of ice/snow but it dosent last.
2. I didnt move far enough south.
Need any help up there? I'm not doing anything this winter.