Recent content by cky2kenndel

  1. cky2kenndel

    [DAYZ] Server Decisions

    I wish we could do a 4 h day 2 h night cycle but i vote for dusk!
  2. cky2kenndel

    DayZ Noob Questions

  3. cky2kenndel

    For Gun Owners in NY State.

    I can't wait for Texas to go blue, God Bless Gerrymandering! I'll show myself out..
  4. cky2kenndel

    You just spawned.... GO!

    Servers are down and I'm trying to pickup any tips and tricks for becoming a better player. As it stands now I usually spawn somewhere north (no matter how many respawns) and head to the boat -- > airfield -- > south to fight. After sprinting all the way north i get antsy and stop looting...
  5. cky2kenndel

    Everquest Next / Elder Scrolls Online

    Nice. I hope to get a beta key soon to check it out. The EQNext stuff sounds fun but i'd like to play a traditional leveling MMO personally.
  6. cky2kenndel

    Applying for Membership

    UPDATE: What game or games would you like to represent TBG?: Battlefield 4, Day Z (Day Z is the shit.)
  7. cky2kenndel

    Everquest Next / Elder Scrolls Online

    Can you share some basic stats? Classes/level cap/size just random general observations?
  8. cky2kenndel

    Everquest Next / Elder Scrolls Online

    Whats up dudes/dudettes some of you may not have seen me around but i'm a wee little trial member from BF4 and hopefully I'll be a part of this community soon enough. Anyway I'm planning on launching with both of these titles and then seeing which one i like but is anyone else planning to do...
  9. cky2kenndel

    Never leaving my fucking room

    What pendleton? I got out last year I live down in PB!
  10. cky2kenndel

    SUAV video

    Can i join you on an SUAV squad?!
  11. cky2kenndel

    Window's 7 or 8?

    You should buy it for 15 bucks off ! Go nuts grab VS, Office 2013 and Windows like i did for 45!
  12. cky2kenndel

    Window's 7 or 8?
  13. cky2kenndel

    My best round so far in a jet

    Any tips for jetting? They are the only two vehicles i need to max out and I'm sucking..
  14. cky2kenndel

    Applying for Membership

    me too! Been using this as my username for years!
  15. cky2kenndel

    Window's 7 or 8?

    Windows 8.1 for SURE. Its the newest one, will get the most updates and tweaks which is very important, and is a simple download away from looking just like windows 7 removing the annoying screen. There isn't even a decision here.