For Gun Owners in NY State.

It doesnt make sense when people refer to gun rights as "what you need for hunting". Our right to arms has nothing to do with "hunting", it has to being able to defend ourselves. Including the government. It is silly to think that our government would never become like others have in history. I am sure that people never thought that there government would do the same.
Another great state going to shit in a handbag under the rein of a progressive douchbag. When will these folks realize it's their duty to uphold the constitution and not to tear it down.
I'm waiting for the day when a politician tries that in TX. That'll go over like raping your sister in the church. lol
For those of us not in the know, but still pro gun rights. What's happening?
I can't wait for Texas to go blue, God Bless Gerrymandering! I'll show myself out..