Tornado ripped through my town today


Registered User
Sep 23, 2014
At about 4:00pm today I saw the roof above my head completely disappear. It landed in the street, completely blocking traffic. After a few hours of cleanup, I left work and noticed the town was torn to pieces, and fires on every street.

These winds are very rare where I live (Utah). They only happen about once every 20 years. A hell of an experience, and incredibly scary.



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Not trying to be "that guy", but if anything like that happens again, tell everyone to get the fuck away from all those glass windows and not to stand in front of a glass door... Glad you're OK and I hope nobody got injured.
Not trying to be "that guy", but if anything like that happens again, tell everyone to get the fuck away from all those glass windows and not to stand in front of a glass door... Glad you're OK and I hope nobody got injured.

I dunno. Those windows are probably bullet proof in comparison to the roof that suggests they have never had anything beyond a light breeze!
At first... I thought that was ground beef scattered everywhere inside your work place. Nope... just some pantherfur. Glad you're safe though.
wow! holy crap! i have been in a couple of tornado's and they are scary as hell. glad to see you're alright.

on the lighter side, did you shoot that video with your note 7? the video is really very good quality!
Thanks everyone. There were no injuries at our building, which is very lucky. After this video was shot, the rain started to come down in bucket loads. Our street was blocked on both sides for a couple hours last night so we stayed late to pull some disaster relief, and I just got back from another 10 hours of it today trying to salvage as much of our essentials as possible. It's still raining and the building is flooded with several inches of water.

They predict the tornado must have touched down very close to us to cause this damage. The rest of the town doesn't look much better. About 50% of all trees have been knocked down or broken in half. If any of you live in the midwest you're probably used to seeing this and much much worse, but to us it's pretty extreme. I was on the news last night describing what happened, and the station has been begging us all day for our security camera footage.


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yeah im in missouri. our dumb asses woulda been on a front porch trying to figure out which direction it was going. glad everyone was safe did they say top speed winds got up to? and yeah i agree with rain. in the midwest we build for shit like this just kinda like on the coast they build for hurricanes. so utah yeah i wouldnt guess the extra messures would be taken
yeah im in missouri. our dumb asses woulda been on a front porch trying to figure out which direction it was going. glad everyone was safe did they say top speed winds got up to? and yeah i agree with rain. in the midwest we build for shit like this just kinda like on the coast they build for hurricanes. so utah yeah i wouldnt guess the extra messures would be taken

They said the wind speed was around 90mph, which is mild for tornados but as you said, pretty extreme for a region that is not equipped to deal with it. Every five years or so Utah can see straight-line winds up to 80mph, but that's still pretty rare.