Recent content by LovermanOwens

  1. LovermanOwens

    Chechnya about to explode [IMG HEAVY!]

    It should be interesting to watch. The Russians and the US do pretty similar things, except we put out claims that we are conducting anti-terror operations before moving into an area that has oil.
  2. LovermanOwens


    Snow is awesome!
  3. LovermanOwens

    US Troops Found Huge Caches Of Chemical Weapons In Iraq — And The Pentagon Tried To Keep It A Secret

    I don't know about everyone else but for myself Obama is the root of around 40% of my problems.
  4. LovermanOwens

    Hanging out with the son, working a lot.

    Hanging out with the son, working a lot.
  5. LovermanOwens

    BF4 Update Thread Patch notes, observations, etc

    damn, I am away from the game and they slam down a horde of fixes. They look nice as well.
  6. LovermanOwens

    Sooo, I think I rotted my brain some today...

    I do this about once a week. Every time I do it I swear I won't be doing it again... Oh humanity.
  7. LovermanOwens

    144Hz refresh IPS-type display panels

    The IPS and IPS-like display are totally comparable though. They use different technical processes to achieve nearly the same thing. I don't think it is as different as you make it sound(I could be wrong).
  8. LovermanOwens

    Intel's Core i7-5960X CPU has already been overclocked to 6.2GHz

    I am thinking about it...but i might just do one of the devils cannon chips
  9. LovermanOwens

    Here's the monitor I want Asus ROG Swift 27"

    the 27" 4k monitor from Asus looks quite tasty....but the one you linked to is a close second. Pricey though.
  10. LovermanOwens

    Hey all!

    Oh Canada! Glad to see someone else from the holy land.
  11. LovermanOwens

    Gunship and One Sided Commander

    Yeah :cool:
  12. LovermanOwens

    Gunship and One Sided Commander

    87.6% of TBG members seem to only play domination or on our Metro/Lockers servers. This is probably where the lack of "discussion" comes from.
  13. LovermanOwens

    RIP Robin Williams

    This sucks. He was awesome.