
thats just not fair to be killed by someone elses mistake
That is almost exactly how my neighbor's son died. Was going WAY too fast on a street bike, slow car crosses intersection, bike chops car almost in half.

Don't be a jackass on the road.
Everybody that I know, who has owned operated a non-cockpit having motorized device, (Dirtbike,motorcycle, quad, or 3 wheeler, even Karts) Has had some form of crash. Just to give a perspectiive

My cousin- 22 years ago was fell of the back of a bike as a passenger and rolled under a Semi-truck. ( he died at age 12)

My Dad 17 years ago had a brake failure and slammed to the ground ,slid through in intersection( fortunatly not seriiously injured)

My wife's uncle was rearended by another biker going only 30mph( 15 staples in his head no helmut)

My best friend Died last Holloween due to drinking and driving, he was crushed between two cars. Two years before that he highsided himself into a rock wall while canyon riding( spent 3 month in the hospital)

My father in-law just got ran off the road on monday,while riding home from work, fortunatly he only got roadrash, and a lot of it.

When I was 13, I rolled a Kart while practicing before a race, recieved a slight concussion.

My kids are banned for life from riding motorcycles, period, no discussion.
Yeah, I've seen that a time or two. My favorite was a Ducati that went through the back end of a commercial van and wedged up against the engine block-3 fatalities there too.
Yeah.. They're not always safe.. Summer of 09 a kid I went to school with , and a few friends of his got into a bad accident on their motorcycles. 1 of 3 Lived.

Couple years ago my friend Ryan, Was just going around town, about 30mph, Guy turned on the road and cut him off majorly, He was wearing full gear, Helmet, and all, He grew up even racing motorcycles for the amateur league. Ended up snapping his neck when he hit the ground.

Myself.. Laid a bike going about 20mph, Got cut off too... It hurt like hell for going so slow.

You def. can get hurt easily
I almost got a rider the other day. Dude was wheaving in and out. Moron whipped it in front of me while I was going 45-50mpg. He was lucky if there was 5 inches between me and his back wheel. I had to hit my breaks or I would of had him. And of course the dumbass wasn't wearing a helmet.
See, In PA or Texas you don't have to wear a helmet. I personaly, Always wear mine cause it doesn't matter if I'm going 10 feet or 10 miles, I wear it cause you never know what can happen.
That VW is also a really light car, so no surprise it flipped.

Riding at 150mph through intersections = "I want to die now, along with whoever I hit."
I've seen my share of cycle accidents. My uncle snapped his leg in half and had the bone sticking out. He has 2 titanium rods in it now. A friend of my other uncles hit a small rock in the road with him and his wife they were in the hospital for 4 months I think it was. I had the throttle get stuck on a 250cc scooter and went over rocks, I was able to kill it before I went into trees. I also remember riding a big go-kart and flipping on a turn, hit the roll bars with my head and left me KO for about 7 mins.