WARNING EXPLICIT CONTENT LOL Have you ever seen an ass penis?

What is with this 071, 044, and 030 shit at the end of your sentences... I believe I am missing something here...
soulzz, i pwned you in this thread. I think you need to do a comeback.

Yes livetrash its a code. This code is saying you are my hoe, suck on my toes.
The numbers are how the old message board used to display emoticons...

What's missing are emoticons.
Sorry, for the revive, but I was looking for the Leroy Jenkins thread and found this in my search. Lots of good laughs. I love Lex the best..."good god man..."
lol sixer if you are bored, you should grab a book and read about bondage. I'm sure you can find many.
Nah, my point was that I played BFBC2 with Leroy Jenkins in my squad earlier in the week. Funny as hell.