Thoughts during Hacked Servers


Registered User
Dec 10, 2014
Collaboration and over communication are often helpful tools against malicious attacks.

Currently, it's not as fun compared to a full server of players. Thus, I like to give "Kudos" to the players who still try to invest their time to seed and populate the cripple server(s) while its still experiencing attacks. I noticed those regular players that only join the server for their distinguished performance when the server is populated are now absent or only pop-in and then leave without even staying to complete a round.

For what is worth, I like to share that I have been successful in joining the hacked server via BATTLELOG when I was not successful through Origin. I heard from another player stating in chat, "I managed to get in through the ingame browser".

Maybe you can share an useful tip here or report into TBG Leaders directly what you know, hear, or sense. Report Suspicious Activity often aids the leaders of a community.
on the second thing, it doesn't matter which method you use to join. battlelog and the client both get server pop/queue information the same and use the same api to join. all that matters is that you join when the queue is less than 20. the queue is constantly changing as bots are leaving/joining. try a time or two and you'll be rocketed up to 1st and will join almost instantly if you can manage to get the timing right.

Looking good at 11:13am Pacific Time