The greatest American.....

hhaha Guerrillero sometimes thats the best way to be....A person can drive themselves crazy worrying about that shit. lol<!-- google_ad_section_end --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_78919", true); </SCRIPT>
There is one thing I like about some of the European political systems; we need at least 3 prominent political parties, maybe 4.

In the US a third party isnt really possible under our system. Since we have a two party "winner takes all" democracy. while Europe runs mostly on a Parliamentary system. Under that system people vote for the party they want to lead and the seats are chosen based directly on the vote: example, if the us votes 45% dem, 45% GOP, 10% other, the seats in congress are divided like that.

At a rally I went to I spoke with Ralph Nader and he said all the benefits of a parliamentary system. He said it lets more voices in and prevents partys with competing ideas from voting each other into a loss.

However, if you look at Germany after they went from the Kaiser to the more democratic parliamentary system one party grew year after year, becoming more and more heard. until it had majority power. That was the Nazi party
See, this is what I warned against. Please read what I write and not what you think is there. At what point did I blame the military? The military is nothing more than a tool used to build a broader policy, and the carpenters are a mix of people elected for various lengths of time from various regions of the country with specific responsibilities that must come together for some level of agreement.

Now, FDR and Wilson? By FDR's reinvention of America I assume you mean the New Deal in all its aspects (because you cannot really separate them) and its goal of providing a safety net for society so that the extreme cycles of boom and bust would not wreak the havoc seen in the Great Depression and other significant economic times. Again, I assume by referring to the court stacking threat you would like to return America to 1931 approach to government and society? If not, what social programs are you referring to for elimination? Would you really get rid of social security and medicare? Returning to pre New Deal America means no national infrastructure funding, no functioning education system, limited regulation of any sort (FDA, USDA, medical and scientific research, etc). Is that really a world you want to live in, because America prior to 1931 was broken and not really equipped to handle the broader forces of modernization and global economic and social developments. The New Deal was simply a response, and one widely approved by Americans, to a changing world, and one that has been tweaked many times since. Study history a bit; a static government structure is a dead one, and the beauty of ours is that it is dynamic in that its framework leaves open the need to adapt.

Now by liberal I assume you mean the left side of the political and economic spectrum and not the traditional meaning as applied in government philosophy. By our measure of "liberal" (a term I hate because it causes a great deal of modern confusion -- it simply means an openness to new ideas or, more traditionally in terms of government, a fundamental belief in the worth of the individual, his liberty, and equal rights) Woodrow Wilson would be a conservative. And about our current president, he is many things but a raving far left lunatic is far from the case. Again, no hyperbole but facts: look at the record and it is more center than far left. He is socially liberal (shocking considering his background) and fiscally moderate with a large pragmatic streak that means willing to negotiate.

Lex, Reagan was many things good but a great unifier of the people he was not. He was a culture warrior; he was polite about it at times but unapologetic in his beliefs in the culture wars and willing to see his vision through. Does that make him evil? By no means, but the Reagan years were far from unified where everyone embraced the Gipper and walked around singing hymns to the nation.
Balls, NAFTA was negotiated and signed under the first Bush; embraced by Clinton yes, negotiated and signed by Bush administration.
Hey Chuck, you remember that scene from Old School where Will Ferrell is debating James Carville? Every time you make one of your deeply intellectual and thought provoking posts that's what I'm reminded of.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Chuck For President in 2012.

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Soldier, agreed. CROWD FUNDING FOR CHUCK!!! :).
I can't run for office; my family would take a pay cut if I started working and my wife had to be the good woman. Besides, I kind of dig my man bitchness.