!Surrender - # of Votes to Pass - BF4


Registered User
Jun 24, 2014
Currently only 4 votes are required from a team for a surrender vote to pass, I don't think 12.5% of the team should decide the match, 16 votes to pass might be a good number to start with.

Can the all conquest maps bf4 server have this adjusted?


Also the !surrender vote starts at a 300 ticket difference, this also seems quite low a number; I've seen many teams make comebacks at this ticket difference and beyond.
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thanks for you input. Seeing as All maps is pretty full 85% of the day, we may be able to adjust it on that server. @x=FAST=x will have to make the call
I have seen 600 comebacks too and come down to within 100 tickets and still lose/win. It is all about who is in the server at the time and their mentality.
Need to find a good number for this because even though its available a lot of people never use it. I can bump to 8 and go from there
Surrender barely ever passes and it requires 5 votes with one starting it and 4 others to surrender also.

Had a game of Nansha strike earlier today that went bad. We couldn't even hold one flag out of 7. Started a surrender after their jets/attack boats started camping us and even then it took another 600 tickets to get the other 4 votes.

Sure there are always comeback but surrender (from my own personal experience) only ever passes if the team has 1 or no flags and getting baseraped while they try to spawn.

Edit: We got surrounded in Lumphini Garden and could only get 3 surrenders for example from a few minutes ago:


Your average player doesn't read chat or even know how to surrender.
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