Suez server has some people trying ot the hacks.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2009
I have played Friday the 3rd and Saturday the 4th of July.
Both days I seem to have someone stealing kills or I have a glitch
that I don't get credit for kills. I am not getting kills and getting TK's
making them negate themselves. Please review the logs and look for yourselves?
I have one screenshot of people in the server but will get more.
i believe there is no such hacks like that, its like saying there is godmode hacks.

There are times where i get killed by someone or i kill someone when i really don't. But it never gives you the point or death when you see that. Its a well known glitch from bf2.
I agree with that, It has been around a long time, just check your stats at the end of the round Halo and you will see!
i took 3 screenshots of being teamkilled by the same guy yet that never happened to me once, and that guy never got negative points for it. If you like i can upload it, im just lazy at the moment.
That doesn't even make sense...

So you're getting TK's instead of kills when you kill somebody? That's gotta be pretty funny. I've never seen that before btw.
This problem happens about as much as the one when you log into a server and you can't use weapons that you have unlocked. Makes you use the basic weapons. <- To fix this you log out and then log back in.
Problem with this one is you don't know its happening unless you look at your scores frequently.

How you can find out if its happening.
Look at your k/d ratio if it says 11 kills 9 deaths and then say your in an APC an you are in the F2 seat and kill 3 people
and you look at your k/d ratio and it still says 11 in kills 9 deaths and you know theres a problem.

The other problem is like the old BF2 RED/BLUE bug.
You see and kill the players that have RED names but you get TK for it.

And yes both of these are no fun.
And they both happen to me a lot.
And since I play on the TBG server a lot I thought thats where I should report it?
Well, we cant really do anything about it. And EA/DICE don't really care at all... so... :p
Sometimes in the bottom center screen it reads "You were killed by ________" but I am actually still alive and walking around.