Stonepounder Banned from City


Registered User
Jan 13, 2009
Banned from City maps


11 am CST

Banned by Fast.

On Girbralter two guys said I was shoot from toll both to harbor flag when Fast came on. I was under the train car an shooting them off the roof by the propane tank. They got mad because they could not see me and when Fast came in he banned me because the complained. They were frustrated and claimed I hacked them. Because they could not find me.

I ask to be reinstated into city maps.

General Stonepounder
hmmm....i will give you the benefit of the doubt. When I get more than one or two person corroborating i usually take action. But you better believe one thing. I will come there with a different alias and no tags and will watch. I don't put up with cheaters. Hope you understand that. I will remove the ban.
I have heard complants on the suez titan server also; be aware that people are well aware of your name now. Any type of autoaims/ hacks are not tolerated...
You "hacked" them?! LOL, interesting expression...

I hope you didn't "hack" them in that special sense :-D