Stabbed in the back ( again ? )


Registered User
Dec 10, 2010
Okay, I've been getting my dog-tags owned like a backstreet-boy sent to Riker's Island. The most common theme for me is the times when I'm somewhere between my second and third shot to center mass while my intended victim is busy treating me to a bit of bayonet therapy. Needless to say, I go toes up and they run off with my tags!

Well, it's time for some revenge. Seeing that I've made quite a few tag donations to the TBG "Hall of NooBs" collection ( I think I have my own tag gallery in there ) would some of you edged enthusiasts care to pass on any tips for the bayonet-challenged among us ( me in particular ) ???

I've been working with knives in Filipino and Indonesian martial arts since I was a kid, but once again, ye ol' game has little resemblance to real life. And I'm trying to improve my gaming skills.

I realize that much of my question is probably better answered in game and through experience, but I'm babysitting my niece and nephew until later tonight, so at the moment I'll take any advice I can get. Thanks much!
Tip #1 - Make sure victim is at least 10 ft(gaming ft.) from your own character and preferably in a structure. When you witness this start knifing like hell. Should kill opponent most of the time.
However, you will most likely receive a single shot from a pistol from across the map or be gustaved long before the proper knifing scenario presents itself. :)
Tip #2 - Hit detection in this game fails. Even if you hit, (or at least should have) it doesn't always work.
Keep that in mind, its not always you.

Tip #3 - Infantry Sonar and UAVs are your friends. Use them to look for enemies to knife. But beware, enemies might be able to see you as well.
Sheesh. That's brutal. Here's a good tip for knifing-just before you swing start moving to the side a little bit-this makes your character slide forward and lunge instead of the stupid slash it always does when standing up unless you're running at someone. The side slide works the vast majority of the time but as Arturo said don't be surprised to be gustoved or shot from some dipshit across the map while you're knifing.
Never fails for me when it comes to knifing some poor nub in the back. I either get sniped and then that bastard picks off the person i was going to stab. But I see a lot more with the gustav and the noobtube then anything else.
LMAO! I have experienced most of these fun ways to expire, including having more gustav burns on my ass than I can count.

But it seems I have found a new low point to totally F*** up my knife count. The other night I was playing death-match with GT and I found a victim ( which was not GT because he just runs in circles around the map killing people until he stubs his toe or something. )

So, I spotted my prey, I stalked him down a hill, around two buildings, and just in the door of an otherwise empty structure... I ran toward him with my knife swinging like I was on the Food Network... And just as I was closing in for the sweetest kill of the day -- the building made this sick, creaking sound, and the next thing I see is a message on the screen that claims CryptKickR was killed by demolition.

Damn the Dice Gods !!! ( * shaking fists at the sky * )