Spacers in TS3, love it or hate it?


Mar 6, 2011
Alright trying out something thats been a long time coming. The ENTIRE reason I implemented the custom TS Viewer is that's implementation is based on a much older framework version that doesn't understand channel spacers. Forward thinking with the fact that we have so many more members playing so many more games now and assumingly in the future. We might need some organization.

So check it out and give me some feed back.

Left is Teamspeak with no one in it, middle is our TS3 Viewer and right shows you what I mean about

Now we could run "without lines", or "Lines below section name" which would free up a bit of space. I hope to further develop the ts view to show the spacers smaller which will be nice. For the moment I removed the connecting lines as they were pointing to spacers and looked like shit. But if I fix the code it will ignore them. Or we could just go back to the way we had it and say fuck that shit.

Leave it a couple days let the clan be the judge.

To answer one possible question its NOT possible to do ---------Section Name------- AND have the lines scale with width. That woulda been my choice for a spacer.

Spacers are channels they are technically joinable but are set high enough to dissallow. I removed a permission from HA's that allowed them to no matter what, Founders still have this permission though so Soulzz yes yes you can join the spacer and talk to yourself...
Took a look at it and since the spacers are tagged very well I can adjust how they are displayed in the TS Viewer to minimize the impact. Smaller spaces top and bottom and maybe a font color change on the section names. No need to change the code for the output.

Edit - LOL config path to the spacer images was never there, spacers now show up in the ts view. Not sure if it looks better or worse lol.
Like it in TS3, hate it on the website. What the hell, +1

Tweaking the site a bit now which is why its been on and off broken. Almost have a solution but the code is spitting out a result exactly opposite of what I am expecting. Decided to try and just run the solution in reverse but it bothers me that it doesn't make sense.

Edit - yeah a misplaced ! will do that i guess lol.
It will take some time getting used to but it's good. One question is can you change the font and color of spacer lines and section name to make it most distinct than just caps?
I like it. Although we had this discussion last night lol
It will take some time getting used to but it's good. One question is can you change the font and color of spacer lines and section name to make it most distinct than just caps?

Did you mean on the site or in TS? In TS this is not possible in fact it was flat out rejected by the developers. In the TS Viewer hell yes I intend to. I only made the sections capital because I reduced the font size in the viewer to make the line height smaller on the spacers. But I was planning on adding some color there.
Did you mean on the site or in TS? In TS this is not possible in fact it was flat out rejected by the developers. In the TS Viewer hell yes I intend to. I only made the sections capital because I reduced the font size in the viewer to make the line height smaller on the spacers. But I was planning on adding some color there.

I mean't on the actually TS but since it's not possible I guess just caps will have to do. But good job on all your work.