Small world makes my day, probably no one else will care.


Mar 6, 2011
So I am steady working on the Admin/Punk Buster SS app and I am at a point where I am trying to optimize performance while resizing (yes yes in Alpha 3 you will be able to resize the window while viewing screen shots) and I come across a stackoverflow Q&A while googling.

delphi - TLabel and TGroupbox Captions Flicker on Resize - Stack Overflow

I glance at the answer and figure I will try it later even though its not quite related. But then I see this:
Very good information and has solved my problem ? ThievingSix

ThievingSix... Someone who colaborated with me on a few projects years ago. Glad to know the master is still learning.

This was one of them:

Its a small world we live in when you can run into people you used to know looking for answers.

That particular app actually had a tragic story. 5 minutes after release I lost the source code. File recovery got back a very early copy of some work he did on the ipl injection but it was all bad code. Even worse his computer died and I ended up having to rewrite everything he did from memory because I could not get a hold of him.
Small world indeed. I'm amazed at the times I have run into someone from another state or even another country that I have not seen or talked to in ages.
I ran into a buddy from back home in Kuwait. Didn't even know he had joined the military. He was with 10th mountain and I was 82nd...bumped into him at a chow line at Camp Buehring.....Best small world story I've ever had.
I ran into a buddy from back home in Kuwait. Didn't even know he had joined the military. He was with 10th mountain and I was 82nd...bumped into him at a chow line at Camp Buehring.....Best small world story I've ever had.

Nice. Id say its the only one where id probably worry about the person more after having run into them. But to run into someone in person on the other side of the world is crazy. I currently live in an area that I hung out in after I graduated high school. Some friends were actually going to rent a place out here. So I always expect to run into someone. As more likely as that might be, it wont ever happen. Some of them left the country others at least the state.