Server Seeding Rules

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Registered User
Mar 29, 2019
Hello TBG,

I recently played on your server in the morning during a seeding match. There were only 8 active players. My team capped the middle point. I was then instructed by a TBG member not to cap any points, but instead to wait at a different area until the server populated. About 5 minutes later, as we waited in the instructed area, which happened to be exactly where our FOB was, we started taking fire on the FOB from many directions that would indicate that the opposing team was not waiting in any specific area, but was instead roaming the map shooting us. So, the team that instructed us to wait and not attack didn't wait and did attack. At around that time, the enemy team also capped the point we were told not to cap. about 5 minutes after that, the enemy team approached our FOB and attacked it from point blank. My squad had had enough at that point, so we pushed off and capped the center cap point again, and spent the rest of the game holding it. I was admonished for doing that, even though I followed every rule that was instructed to me right until the rule was broken by the rule-issuing team.

I'd like to make a suggestion about your seeding rules. Take it for what it's worth. Your seeding rules are practically unenforceable. You expect players to sit 2 cap points removed from one another, and wait for the server to pop. That's boring. Nobody's going to abide by that, they'll either break the rules and go fight, or just leave. The server didn't pop while I was there during this incident, btw.

I suggest that you allow the players to fight over the middle cap point during seeding. If there are an even number of cap points, allow the players to fight over the middle TWO cap points. Instruct players to put their fobs ONE CAP POINT BACK from the middle cap point(s), so the enemies attacking cap points can do so from every side of the objective without worrying about being on an off-limits FOB. That's how we do it on the 2fjg server, and it seems to work fine. With this method, players have an objective to fight over while waiting for the server to populate. I honestly don't know why you would force players to sit and wait during seeding.

I've played on your server many times. I know it pops. I enjoy playing with you guys. But I won't seed on your server anymore.


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